Today was the school's Learning Journey day. Some of us went to Changi Prison, Sentosa, Duck/Hippo Tours, cemeteries and Tiger Brewery.
We had a bit of confusion initially because they were unsure of whether should we go to St James Power Station or the brewery in Tuas. So the bus spent time going around in Woodlands and uh, wasted some time.
The reason why they thought it might be St James Power Station because they had a Tiger Museum there. So, they were unsure if we should go there instead. Nevertheless we ended up in Tuas.
We were given passes before we can go into the brewery. & I took some photograhs. :D
My pass
In the guide's words: The most diluted beer Asia-Pacific Breweries ever made.
Another type of packaging for Tiger Beer.
Old machinery they used to filter the beer.
Random. These are the old trays with the Tiger Beer branding and advertisement slogans.
Uh, I had no idea why I took this picture. I suppose I took almost everything in the gallery.
5Litre kegs, they're like so cute x.x
Limited Edition Tiger Beer packaging D;
Hmms, if forgot Erdingers. I think they're some European beer that Asia-Pacific Breweries managed to obtain a licence to brew locally.
Guiness & Kilkenny draught. :D Guiness is made up of more black malt than the normal white ones, resulting in the dark black colour look it has.
ABC ;D Ahpek's beeer ;X
Guineess black stout ;x same as above
Anchor beer! Another beer locally brewed.
Baron's strong brew. The guide refused to tell us what's the difference. Cos he don't want to encourage us to drink. Uhm. Yeah, like that really won't happen x.x
Heineken. Grr, I have a story behind this to complain about!
Surely I don't have to introduce - Tiger Beer!
After the whole tour, we got to go to the Tiger Tavern for drinks.
Hmms, what do you think we got to drink?
COKE and SPRITE x.x"
The tavern was very very very nicely decorated. It even has this nice nice POOL TABLE. Which I didn't get to play on. //:
Ok, more pictures. Without me or Vinn in D; cos its not stored and taken with my handphone. -.-!
Shall end here. Jace is very kan cheong :D