Hello, I am Mich.
But actually, I am a sheep and I go "Mehs" when I am really happy.
This will be my ex-blog now, since I've grown out of it.
But I will still keep the blog, as tribute to my metamorphsis.
Click here to know my current location on the WWW.
Friday, January 18, 2008
I reformatted my com today due to a unknown dunno-what-the-fuck problem that reallyyy pissed me off.
I spent precious time reformatting and downloading alot of things. D:
That's sad ok. Lols.
It's been a long time since I audi-ed? And I miss my friends, mei, diis, gan erzi etc etc etc.
Now got people ask me maple. Yeah right. When I haven't even downloaded audi.
Before that someone asked if I tried Ballroom dancing. *THROWS BRICK*
I did say that I REFORMATTED.
Aisehs, all STM//:
i am a sheep. yes, i am.
Perhaps you know me, perhaps you don't.
Whatever the case is, well. Let me introduce myself, and the many aliases I go by.
I am
Mich. But in game, I go by many names. Here's a few.
In AuditionSEA,
---MICH--- is
In PlayPark Forums,
I may be
Mehs, or
In CabalSEA,
I am
xMich, but is inactive in-game.
You can get me a present, if you want to,
on the 24th of March every year
Friday, January 18, 2008
I reformatted my com today due to a unknown dunno-what-the-fuck problem that reallyyy pissed me off.
I spent precious time reformatting and downloading alot of things. D:
That's sad ok. Lols.
It's been a long time since I audi-ed? And I miss my friends, mei, diis, gan erzi etc etc etc.
Now got people ask me maple. Yeah right. When I haven't even downloaded audi.
Before that someone asked if I tried Ballroom dancing. *THROWS BRICK*
I did say that I REFORMATTED.
Aisehs, all STM//: