Wednesday, January 2, 2008
#220. first day of sch. x.x
haiz, first day of school jiu spot check.
didnt break a lot of rules i guess.
hair, socks, wasn't caught for my nails. ;D
happy happy. shall remember to bring hair pins and to wear socks that i can pull up for the spot check tml. and also to take out my other pair of ear studs. x.x in case i get caught. cos we're only allowed 1 pair of ear studs or ear sticks. //: sad
the whole day was boring i guess. cos we had no lessons at all.
just random crapping, re-informing & reminding us of the school rules, and the admin stuff.
we've even got a new colour for our classroom!
but what the eff lar, its looks like a.... uhmmm....
hospital. -.-!
cos its pale blue and pale grey. pale pink and pale grey. -.-!
people agreed with me -.-
and that means its really bad.
lugged like alot of files to school today too. lets see, 2 maths files. 1 humanities file. and 1 poa file. plus the poa textbook, and 2 maths textbooks. (damn, i left the maths textbook in class and i need it for my homework!)
first day of school is not usually fun and all, but after i settle down and have alot more free time, i shall go and stalk people. and yes i am that bored -.-!
damn, whats happened to me? (:
i am so renting tha locker this year. cos i cant stand lugging books to school -.-!
another $30 just flew out of my pockets.
plus the assesments that we need to buy... -.-!
i guess. oh nvm.
i m looking forward to chinese new year and i hope my dad can make up his mind fatser on where he wants to travel to during the extended holiday. so that i wont have to visit all the relatives. its tiring...
yes, i am anti-social cos i play too much computer. ;D
he's thinking of KL ( uhh. -silence- ok?) , Malacca (nothing to do there! ), Genting (FUN! cos theres a lan shop and wireless connection in the hotel rooms ;D )
overall todays quite alright... but i guess i wont go online so often now that i have school. ^^
and damn my CCA.
FT (form teacher) told us some ghost stories (with one relating to the school) . shall post soon.... (maybe?)
lots and lots of x3~