Tuesday, January 1, 2008
#219. back

this is my new look in audi. x3~!
well anyways, moving on, i went to stay in JB overnight as my dad wanted a holiday. we mostly window-shopped, and my bro bought a new pair of converse. after that they went to watch alvin and the chipmunks so my other bro went back with me and my dad to the hotel :D
after going back, we watched tv while dad explored the hotel facilities. -.-!
& we had fun with the nitendo ds.
we turned in quite late. ;D
the next morning, i must say it was a very bored morning. i went on msn using my aunts laptop. and also went on to audition. looked for people to disturb :D
in the end i picked aloysious. cos i want that patch! but he dont want to give me unless i bought him something -.-"
if you logged in to my account you will see that it has 0 cash ^^ hahas
i wanted him to play the old songs for me but it turned out that he was at his friend's house. equals to no patch. no songs T.T
was so frigging bored. then after he went off i went to practice my beat up skills.
then we went out to get pizza for lunch. we slacked in the rooms with my cousins :D
had fun and it was really hilarious. i tried to strangle my brother when he was hiding in the bedsheets. my cousins attempted to scare my aunt by hiding in the closet.
my dad was relaxing in the other hotel room where we did not wreck havoc in xD
when it was 3, we checked out and went to buy secret receipe to buy a cake and window -shopped some more. (why window-shop? cos i never see anything that i want :D )
then we went home ;D
not exactly though. we called the maid to bring a bottle of 2004 red wine for the party later on (it was changed to a buffet, AND PIZZA D:)
my bro went for a swim while i slacked -.-!
we did not bring any wine opener so my dad opened it with his keys. the cork was floating inside the bottle when it was opened. D:
fortunately, there was no uhh. cork bits when you poured the wine out. my dad gave me a full cup. which was rare, and so i was suspicious.
me: ribena ar?
dad: no lar.
it tasted like alcoholic ribena lorh -.-" ftw. but it still tasted not bad lar.
my bro said it was half cup wine and half cup ribena. tsk, i drank it anyways. and sneaked 2 cups more... shh.. :D weren't allowed to drink that much, for the wine was for his friends. (but they cant drink lar. they got to drive~)
after that around 9, my dad went home cos we are all deadbeat and needed to rest.
leo called me at 00.00 1jan2008. and i slept through his sms, phonecall, and my handphone alarm. -.-"
i am supposed to be quite a light sleeper. guess i am too tired :D