Sunday, December 23, 2007
#209. (;
uh ya. what should i update now? hmms...
today i went to work as usual, but then, i met this weird weirdindian (lets not stereotype) guy. he thought he paid me for the things but he didn't ==" he forgot. and he though & insisted that he did.
so, all i can say is that i am suay lar. meeting such a person.
so whatever he paid up lar, and frankly, i was lazy to rebut him cos....
1. i can't understand him because of his thick accent.
2. he keeps on ranting so i can't get a word in.
3. i am already pissed off, and tired. it might get worse if i said anything more.
customers. they are not always right. if they are, that's the end of the service industry.
because some have some reallyyyy impossible demands. like, uh, let me give you an example.
my dad really sell his stuff almost to the point of it being dirt-cheap sometimes. so sometimes, he might even sell it at the price he bought it (and even BELOW it a couple of times =="), and it already means he's making a loss.
for one, plastic bags to hold the customer's purchases. where do you think it came from? we have to buy it of course! and let me tell you it ain't cheap! (plus the save the earth thingy, but that's just me)
and the cost for uploading, unloading and packing of the goods. when he gets the stuff from the fishery ports at Senoko or Jurong. you think he can load like hundreds of kilos of things all by himself? he has to pay people to do it.
plus the fuel to get to the places...
and the ice to keep the things fresh. he can pay like up to $80 or more for ice. JUST ICE ONLY.
zz lookies~! i am ranting again.
OK on a lighter note. (but its still complaints from me.)
my shoulder hurts T.T i think i strained it today...
and i got a nice 1cm cut on my finger, its not bleeding when i found it but i can see the flesh. ==" uhm, not grossing you out am i? its not as bad as it sounds lar. i suppose i got it from some fish/ prawn or what who wants to give me a souvenir to remember them by.
*in a last ditch attempt to make things more optimistic* o.o
i am going out today. either to malaysia (yes, again) or to parkway parade to get my store of crabby tidbits. x33~
i absolutely love the yummy things~ alright, a couple of photos. ;D its been a long time since i had any pictures right?
today i went to work as usual, but then, i met this weird weird
so, all i can say is that i am suay lar. meeting such a person.
so whatever he paid up lar, and frankly, i was lazy to rebut him cos....
1. i can't understand him because of his thick accent.
2. he keeps on ranting so i can't get a word in.
3. i am already pissed off, and tired. it might get worse if i said anything more.
customers. they are not always right. if they are, that's the end of the service industry.
because some have some reallyyyy impossible demands. like, uh, let me give you an example.
my dad really sell his stuff almost to the point of it being dirt-cheap sometimes. so sometimes, he might even sell it at the price he bought it (and even BELOW it a couple of times =="), and it already means he's making a loss.
for one, plastic bags to hold the customer's purchases. where do you think it came from? we have to buy it of course! and let me tell you it ain't cheap! (plus the save the earth thingy, but that's just me)
and the cost for uploading, unloading and packing of the goods. when he gets the stuff from the fishery ports at Senoko or Jurong. you think he can load like hundreds of kilos of things all by himself? he has to pay people to do it.
plus the fuel to get to the places...
and the ice to keep the things fresh. he can pay like up to $80 or more for ice. JUST ICE ONLY.
zz lookies~! i am ranting again.
OK on a lighter note. (but its still complaints from me.)
my shoulder hurts T.T i think i strained it today...
and i got a nice 1cm cut on my finger, its not bleeding when i found it but i can see the flesh. ==" uhm, not grossing you out am i? its not as bad as it sounds lar. i suppose i got it from some fish/ prawn or what who wants to give me a souvenir to remember them by.
*in a last ditch attempt to make things more optimistic* o.o
i am going out today. either to malaysia (yes, again) or to parkway parade to get my store of crabby tidbits. x33~
i absolutely love the yummy things~ alright, a couple of photos. ;D its been a long time since i had any pictures right?
its name is called casper. dont know what breed de though. cos its from m'sia de. hehes. <3