Tuesday, October 2, 2007
we went to NTUC then my bro want to drink soya bean, then i want the soya bean too,
after that we all had soya bean.
we had dinner at the foodcourt! my dad very ____ (fill in the blank). everytime go to amk hub sure will meet someone he know!!!
anyways, i had quite a surprise when i went home and logged onto msn.
zipeng said he saw me at amk hub!
i was thinking: har? then why never say hi.. i very scary meh? o.o??
lols then he said he was there with jun hao...
never see the both of them lehhs...
nevermind, i very cock-eyed de.
he also said that there will be a chalet outing after EOYs at downtown east, all campers welcome...
i don't think my dad will allow it la. he's very erm.
tommorow's my emaths paper1 leh.
i got bad feeling. but then again, who doesn't?
at least in my class la.
hope mr goh n ms ong will be merciful...
that paper2 sure pawn me de.
imagine: a level 1 with a level 200 de fight... who will win?
level 200 de la... BAKA.
i will be that poor level 1 de.
i will, i hope....