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Sunday, June 29, 2008

I guess I will still be blogging here from time to time about useless things.

Just wanted to tell, I've moved. Move move moved.

New location is here: http://halfempty-optimism.blogspot.com/

Went to the library yesterday to mug. I must say, for me, I really did get things done and accomplished something. Not bad, not bad at all.

I'm looking forward to the next one. x3 my baobeis
Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I've finally finished my D&T artefact. Damn that thing, still need to polish the new base I've aquired today. The small one was so unbalanced. I swear that thing almost killed me when I was screwing the stuff on it. ):<

I've got hit by the stick thingy on my product too! Thank goodness I wore spectacles, else that's one eyeball gone.

No, I am not joking. -.- Sheesh.

I might kill myself one day.

Who knows?
Monday, June 9, 2008

let me sum of some of the people i loathe. possibly not the person, but the character and personality? oh well, in the end, it becomes the same.

- those who think world of themselves.

what they say: oh i am oh-so-busy, so-so-important, oh-so-great! the world can't revolve without my magnificent exixstence!

what i'd very much like to say: oh shut up, please.

- those who wallow in self-pity.

what they say: ohh~! poor poor me. why me? why why why. why do i have to do this or that? its robbing me of my time! my poor precious time. oh lookie at you! so free and joyous, why couldn't i be just like you?

what i'd very much like to say: you idiot know very well that you will never ever want to be someone like me. most probably you think of me as a lesser being. now quit your incessent whining. its getting on my nerves, shut up before i scream.
even if you don't like it, you asked for it. all your life, all the choices are made and caused by you, and you alone. and if your puny brain is not able to comprehend it, go wallow in self-pity in a place i cannot see. and oh, i promise i won't snigger when i see you running back to your mum and dad.

- people who think they know alot, when most of the things they know are painfully limited and wrong, yet they themselves claim they know alot. -.- quote: emoty vessels make the loudest noise.

what they say: HAR NOR! it's blah blah blah, this and that.

what i'd very much like to say: -awkward silence- its wrong. it's this this this and that that that...

but in all of the cases i've met so far, as much as i detest them, i'd keep quiet and tolerate.

why help those people when you probably end up not being appreciated and being loathed yourself? plus, some have fiery tempers and i'd not risk it at all.

strange when i am free and all, and in good temper, i do funny stuff like this.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

My dad turned 42 yesterday. So, it's a happy birthday!

I still have lessons that day, until 6. But he wanted to go out so I asked for an early departure from school. I left around 4 or 5, I wasn't sure. Anyways, I was doggone tired that day. After I got home, my dad immediately dragged the whole family out to celebrate in M'sia cos my aunts are already in there -.-"

He was irritated by the jams at the checkpoint. But I daresay it was fast already, should I go home at 6..... Well, it will be reading MASSIVE JAMS. ):

We shopped and all that before having dinner, and I realised the black pepper crabs are delicious! I will definitely ask dad to go back there sometime, and I can eat it again!

Well, to cut the loooong story short. I think I will just skip to the part where we went back home and celebrated his birthday with a cake at 11pm.

The cake was not bad I think. It was from Prima Deli, a Mocca Walnut. (:
Dad likes coffee cakes.

Sometimes, I realise, that to live a life well, is to live a life with no regrets.
No regretting I should have gone home earlier.
I should have done this, I should have done that.
What matters the most is that you really have done your best.
If you really did everything in your capacity to do your best, you would have known that you've exhausted all plausible means to do something.
And if it doesn't work out, you will have no absolute regrets at all.


Simply because you've tried your best, and they will understand.

I've been trying to do that since 2 years ago, and I am proud to declare that,

yes, it's so far so good. Same for this birthday. (: I tried. (:
Thursday, June 5, 2008

Yay! #300 already.

Vin's been saying that "WHY YOU NEVER UPDATE BLOG DE?!"

After thinking, and blah-ing, and ya-da ya-da-ing, I've decided to (finally) post something up here.

-Still thinking it's a chore- Hahas.

My dad's birthday's is tomorrow, and of all days, there has to be school for the entire day tomorrow. I'll be damned if I cannot reach home by 3 tomorrow, which is impossible.

So, what the hell, I am damned.

I've been back to gaming, and hell yes, slacking alot.

Let me see, I've re-visited Audition yesterday, and is pleased to note that there are still 5 people online in my buddy list. But the interest still wore off very quickly, and I went offline soon after checking Jace's rank for Vin.

I've Cabal-ed for awhile before stopping, reason being is that I cannot use the bot anymore. I ain't a saint, so I bot. Oh whatever.

I've Mapled this morning, my bros were playing so I can't resist going in to finish some quests and get free EXP. (Yeah yeah, what for I do that when I am not playing that anymore) I even gacha-ed and got a blood snowboard. Lols! I got the cash from the maple points.

Last night when I went to NTUC with my dad, Mr Wong saw us, apparently. -.-" He spoke of the incident this morning, and said : Whoa, your dad very hip har? Long hair and ponytail.

Uhh... I was pretty freaked out, and he asked for my dad's age. Turning 42 tomorrow :D Haha.

Last night I also sms-ed this funny quote to Vin, the only person who I think can get it, but sadly she didn't. Not everyone's got the same sense of humour as me, I think.

Erotic is when you do something imaginative and sensitive with a feather. Kinky is when you use the whole chicken

Pray tell me if you get what it means, I'd be pleased, having to find a comrade. :D
Thursday, May 22, 2008

I stole this quiz from Jacey, me and Vin's daughter. x3

Times your total by 3

"I screwed up 69% of my life."

[ ]Gotten detention.

[ ]Gotten your phone taken away

[ ]Gotten suspended.

[x]Got caught chewing candy.

Total: 1

[x]been late to a class more than 5times.

[x] Didn't do homework over 5 times.

[ ] turned at least 2 projects in late.

[x] Missed school cause you felt like it.

[ ] Laughed so hard you got kicked outof class.

Total: 3

[x] Got your mom/dad etc. to get you out of school.

[x] Text people during class.

[x] Passed notes.

[x] Threw stuff across the room

[x] Laughed at the teacher

Total: 5

[ ] Pulled down the fire alarm.

[x]Went on myspace, friendster, xanga,etc. on the computer at school.

[x] Took pictures during school hours.

[x] Called someone during school hours.

[x] Listened to an ipod/cd player/mp3during class.

Total: 4

[ ] Threw something at the teacher.

[x] Went outside the classroom without permission.

[x] Broke the dress code.

[x] Failed a class

[x] Ate food during class.

Total: 4

[x] Gotten at least 2 calls home

[ ] Couldn't go on a field trip cause you behaved badly

[x] Didn't take your stuff to school

[x] Got grounded before

[ ] Stuck your middle finger at ateacher when they were not looking

[ ] Cursed during class loud enough so the teacher could hear

Total: 3

[x] slept in class

[x] cursed at a teacher behind their back

[x] Copied homework

[ ] Felt hungry during class and left to eat

Total: 3


Oo lookie, I was this close to getting a distinction in screwing up my life!
#298- Stories of the workshop

Today, a few weird creatures gathered in the workshop.

Let me introduce to you the key actors :D

We have..........


-Felix, the CAT

- Instructor, the HUMAN

And last but not the least, Mich, as the SHEEP.

And here, the story goes...

One day, the goldfish, the cat, the sheep and the human were discusing what are the best ways to produce their products.

And so, they gathered around a table. :D

Enthusiastic they were, in discussing how should they polish, sand, and ya-da ya-da blah blah blah to make their product look nicer, shinier and more bling.

Then unknown to the poor sheep, the cat was standing behind it.

So, the evil human and cat thought of an evil plan.

In the cat's paws, he held an extremely dirty rag, black from all the polishing of metallic products. To the best of its stealth abilities, it had snuck up behind the sheep.

The evil human said: Hey! Look what's that. -points right to "something" behind the sheep-

The poor sheep fell into the trap! It looked behind and got poked ): By the filthy rag! D:

The sheep was apalled! It grabbed the goldfish's waterbottle and went out to have a drink.

Throughout the entire episode, the less evil, but STILL evil goldfish is still standing there. ):

Why the goldfish never warn the sheep, the sheep don't know.

The sheep will eat the goldfish in school next Monday. Mark my words. :D
Monday, May 19, 2008


Was Vesak Day and so, I took a day off and went to M'sia to shop with my family.

Nothing much happened.

I'm kinda happy. Cos this week is "Mother Tongue" week, and I have no lessons cos I took my O level Chinese last year.

Ain't proud of that B though.

Striving hard for an A for HCL.

I don't make sense today. It's getting tiring. /;

Should I let go?
Saturday, May 17, 2008

Yes, I admit, not blogging much lately. /:

Oh well. I went to the ASEAN forum at NIE today.

Since it's the FIRST inaugural forum, it is history in the making, and we're like, the pioneers or something, just for attending that.

Oh wow. :D

The MC is quite funny, lame and all. And I must say that it's quite interesting, although it's abit too heavy for my taste. But after lunch, when things start to get more informal, hell yeah it was fun!

Especially the guitar and piano (whatever-you-call-it) performance by 2 of the NIE trainee teachers.

It was like, wow. I never knew teachers could be so talented! So far, teachers are giving me an image of "marking textbooks, teaching, admin-work". But well, they certainly changed my mindset just like they promised.

They did some memorable pieces like: Apologize, Umbrella, etc (: About 6 songs in all, and the audience loved it.

I must say, it is a very enjoyable day. I can see that organizers are very dedicated to making the forum possible. And their 8 months of hardwork are certainly not wasted. :D

But, I must say, that I really miss going to Flag Day. I mean, it's the last time we can do CIP as a class, as you know, 49ners.

Should I know that Flag Day's going to be the same day as the forum, I'd definitely go to Flag Day.

Cos, there's no such thing as a "next year" anymore, and I sincerely hope there won't be!

And, here is my thanks to Addison for letting XY borrow his PSP.

It really helped. On the impossibly long bus trip to and fro.

Today, albeit tiring, really helped me gain quite alot of knowledge.

And make me realize, that my orals sucked.

Really big time. /:
Friday, May 9, 2008

It's mother's day on Sunday. ):