Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Today's got quite some events, so I shall blog abit. In short paragraphs to save time.
1. Testimonials.
We're like supposed to wrote our own testimonials. But this guy sitting next to me in EL lesson said he don't know how to write. Then he started crapping with another classmate about MapleStory. And the supposed contents of the testimonial are all about Maple. Eg. Is a hardworking person who strives to level up a level every week, is generous with his mesos, doesn't ks and always help a guildmate in need. Lol~!
2. Rain
I was going home when it started pouring, so while we walked to the MRT, XY was being lame about the earthworms, heng there wasn't any. ;D
Cos she told me to what, call Addison "-_- Wah biang eh. I so weak meh?
Meh meh meh? And what do I need him for? He's useful for carrying things though. That's something endorsed by XY, Vin and me. ;D
3. Flames may result in PPF.
Pazuzu, that immature really got me fired up.
I'm usually very peaceful, but I really can't stand people like her.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
My dad appeared on TV today. Shan't tell you why. :D
And they actually interviewed and filmed him at work.
I must say. We were all laughing our asses off at the news.
Friday, April 18, 2008
Picture for today! Vin's TheDog Plushie (: KAWAII RIGHT?
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
It is. A sad day today.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Initially, I wanted to post some pictures.
However, blogger's picture uploader's not working. );
And I am too lazy to upload it using photobucket as it's too much of a hassle for a lazy pig like me. -oinks-
While I was in CWP with XY and the band people today, I saw YP and Mindy in Precious Thots. I said Hello and went away with XY to Comics Connection before going to Popular. Then I saw them there too.
While they were queuing up to pay, Mindy suddenly called me and said that YP wants to "confess" her love for me. o.o"
She said everything YP supposedly want to "confess" and everyone was laughing away, including YP. It was funny, especially there was 2 people in between YP, Mindy and me and XY. They were looking quite bemused, especially the man. Hahas. But I didn't think the rest noticed.
After they paid, they left. And I almost kidnapped the bear that I gave to YP as a gift earlier that day. YP walked away not noticing it, and so did I. Till I realised I was holding on to it and chased after YP to give it back to her.
After XY paid and we walked out of Popular, we saw Mindy coming up the escalator again. Lols.
That was such a coincidence. :O
After that we went to Cold Storage with MP, XQ, Ju and the rest. I went to buy kaya because I have a Kaya festish after eating so much Kaya Toast in school. Lols. (: The rest went to buy Sushi. :D
Soon after that we went home I think. Though the day seemed short, alot of things actually happened. Just that I am too lazy to elaborate and jot down all of them.
Will I regret my actions? I think not. I have not regretted my actions and decisions made for a long long time. :D
Monday, April 14, 2008

XY being violent to the dawg.
See her. So evilly bullying the innocent dog who did not do any harm to her.

Vin joins in.

See her evil smile (This pict, courtesy of XY) You can see JL in the background.

The 2 evil dog bulliers.
Flood ar flood.

Rain's coming. Rain's comingggg~

XY being violent to the dawg.

Vin joins in.

See her evil smile (This pict, courtesy of XY) You can see JL in the background.

The 2 evil dog bulliers.

Rain's coming. Rain's comingggg~
HAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAS. Hilarious? I think not.
I am in a darn good mood today cos I finally saw a WORKING W880i.
It's finally repaired. And I love it (:
Love Love Love.
Mehs at XY, Moos at Vin.
My cute dog, who is afraid and emo-ing all along. It's name is Shibuya. I will post Teddy.BearBear, my tatty bear, when it's back from the washing, and NOT DRIPPING WET.
Why I name my dog Shibuya?
Cos, a tag at it's butt say : Shibuya!
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Then it said something that offended me really badly.
So I strangled and whacked it.
-Abusing in progress-
Until it apologized. (;
The VIP table. For the Speech Day thingy. The "special tabel cloth" which we ironed for 2 hours. =="
I pwn the bus (: I am the only person on it, except the driver.
Mehs the sheep which I drew in EL lesson. Vin said the sheep looks weird. ):
I will stop whining about my handphone already. It's coming back home tommorrow.
Yesterday was the speech day.
To sum it all up in a jiffy....
-Fake stuff
I shall not elaborate. Long live long sleeved white shirts. (:
Saturday, April 12, 2008
9 APRIL'S POST- the day the modem got modem-napped.
First and foremost. Declaration of: I MISS MY HANDPHONEEEEE. -sighs- I'm going to call SE tomorrow if they still haven't DELIVERED MY HANDPHONE TO MY DOORSTEP.
Not really, but kinda, I guess. -sighs- I really need that handphone back. (*note: I used the word NEED, not just WANT ok ): )
-Sulks, laments somemore about the handphone thingy..... Grouse somemore.- OK, now something happier? (;
Today we had the 5 stations for NAPFA today. So that means that there's no Focus Studies! (:
Boy am I glad. Hoho, imagine a class of smelly 4-9ners turning up for humanities lesson in the air-conditioned IT resource room. I am sure the 4-4s will be veryyyyy happy to have us. AND, not to forget, though a small minority, the 4-6ers. >:)
I did quite ok, I guess. I mean IFFF! by some miracle, pass my standing broad jump AND the bloody 2.4km run, I WILL GET SILVER! By JUST BORDERLINE PASSING THOSE 2 @*#(@*(#!@ things. D; Oh well. I am not a guy, so NAPFA don't bother me much. Mehs.
Oh dearie me. I think I'm like, sinking into this "Mehs" personality. Moo?
Hohos. );<
That Mehs I build up on the PPFs, I think that it's starting to grow on me. o.o
Ok, it might sound strange. But I think that's another side of me. (: I mean, somebody's who playful and .... behaves not like -mich. I used to have to change personalities to use -mich and Mehs account on the PPFs. And being "Mehs" to trick people was hard, and very difficult. But ever since I stopped twitting using my Mehs account, I found another side of me. And it's hard to use -mich account to surf the forums now. I mean, whenever I want to post something, it will sound too Mehs. IT'S JUST NOT -mich! That's why I eased into that personality instead. -mich is too.... formal and serious for me.
I HAD NO IDEA I CAN BE SO SERIOUS. ): I'm hating it man. I think I have disposed of the -mich account.
Mehs is still not known as -mich to all the forumites yet. (Quiixx did a good job still concealing my identity to most of the newer forumites that joined recently. )I still have 1 more secret account. I shall use it after the O levels to spam and trick people. Especially Oreo and Quiixx. Since they can tell that it's me so well. But I think, I would've become a changed person after the O levels. ;D So I might not even know myself, much less the PPFF. (: But, the question is, will they still be there after the O levels?
I went to Popular to get some pens, (*note: I said SOME PENS), and instead, walked out with 1 Pilot G1 Black ink pen instead. ): Cos they don't have the ballpoint black pen that I want to try out. I'll get them in school instead, I think. Tommorrow, perhaps? D:
I think that pen will do. Stabilo's "Exam-grade" ballpoint pens don't quite suit me. -.- For one, I use -coughs- the liquid paper quite alot. I make ALOT of mistakes when I am chionging my work, ESPECIALLY FOR MATHS. If you don't see ALOT of correction tape or traces of the liquid paper on my maths assignments, chances are that: I might have re-done it. ;D
And well, I am wondering how to wrap the TY beanie bear for YP. ): I wanted to give it to her.
As a sweet16 & 1 month present. BUUUUT, repeating the question I asked so many times today..... How do you wrap a bear that is of irregular shape? ):
I mean, they don't actually make teddy bears square, making me very troubled indeed.
I think I will solve the problem by finding a box out somewhere. Else i won't wrap it already. :O
Yeah, I am lazy, stupid, and have clumsy fingers. ); No talent for gift-wrapping. Well, if I find no box, I think I'll just find a used tissue paper box or something to wrap the bear in.
/randoms, sidetracks. I suddenly remembered how I wrapped that necklace I got for YP last year. :O Cos necklaces ain't square... Uhh, I wrapped it for 5 times, and used 1 WHOLE big piece of wrapping paper for that. Thank goodness wrapping papers are quite cheap. :X
Oh well, it's been a looong while since I blogged such a big chunk. I guess I have too much to get out of my brain at the moment. Cos I usually blog only to clear my thoughts. /randoms and rubbishes.
My FT (Form-Teacher) said that 4-9ners have very poor attitudes, as in, we don't know how to be more superficial, we are too "real".
In chinese, 我们太真了,不会做表面功夫。
In a sense, when we don't do work, we just declare "Yeah, I never do my work". Yes, those exact words. We won't even attempt to fool the teachers. Or we'd just copy work.
I do admit I copy work AT TIMES, even the 4-4 people do. ): But now that it's Sec4, O levels and all that, I try not to. Unless it's an emergency. Everybody will do that at least once, if you say you haven't then you're lying. ;D
Some peeps are well, being assesed by the school to see if the school wants to sign them up for the O levels. They're getting reports and assesments for everyone of us from all our teachers. I have a feeling my chinese teacher might give a relatively poor opinion of me. But hey, I am passing up all her work now yea? At least I made improvements this year. I changed my tote into the big Zinc backpack with the idea of: Bringing home work to do, books to revise. That's my first step. At least bothering to start. I will resolve to do all my work this year, no kidding. I have to be serious now. I still can't completely give up the internet. I can't.
S and I were commenting about a certain classmate today, whom I know is an avid gamer. I shall not say anymore (: So, S was saying if he was the teacher, he won't let him sign up for the O levels cos he don't seem to be ready and seems to be can't be bothered about work. So I told him that, well, maybe it's cos he can't get off gaming. He looked surprised momentarily. And continued with saying, he should get off gaming completely. ):
I disagreed, cos well, he can still continue to game, if he finishes all his work and what-not. It can work out quite ok, though might not be the best result. S surprised me with a question, "Do you game?"
Hehs, I got caught then. I never told him, but I do game. :X I used to be able to play secretly until 1am, and then wake up earlier to play. I am not the more serious cases though. I'd say mine is relatively minor compared to the others. Now, I am so worn out by school I don't even game anymore.
-sighs- That's good, I suppose.
Studies are the most important agenda for me now.
This brings me back to what somebody commented on me. That I've changed. To become colder than I used to be, long time ago, when I was just Sec1, in the Nov/Dec Holidays, I remember ever so clearly. To become more studies-oriented. To become distant.
Even SY said I behave distant at times. (: I have my reasons, or so I claim. I do have some. :D
People change all the time. I think, they just have to get used to it sooner or later. There's no such thing as forever and eternity. And I have no dreams at the moment. I don't really believe in them anymore. Perhaps, reality hit me in the head abit to hard. o.o Afterall, I used to be a dreamer. I was.... was..... was.... (;
So, I am sorry. If you think I am not willing to trust. ;D But, I still can't bring myself to.
/hehes. I randomed again?
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Im gonna be involved in the Speech Day thingy this Saturday.
I feel damn sad.
For one, servers can't wear white long sleeved shirts cos some people don't want to. That means I got to wear that retarded school uniform to school.
Secondly, servers must stay in holding area for a long loooong period of time, so that they can't be seen and won't crowd around the hall.
In case you're wondering what's a server, it's someone who helps to put all the whatever buffet food on your plate.
And......... Our lunch is the leftovers. Sounds pathetic right? ):
I hope my w880i can be repaired before that. Cos we're spending hours in the classroom stoning.
I MISS MY w880i. );
On a happier note, so that today won't sound so totally sad.....
I had fun poking/jabbing Oreo and other PPFF on PPF today.
Plus there's this new iTrader system introduced in PPF, which made me catch no balls initially. But now I know what's it about already.
Oh yeah~ -sidetracks and randoms-
S was goofing around with my tatty bear today by pretending to throw it outta the window.
So I said: Bearbear wants to sue you for attempted manslaughter.
Then he started to play with my eraser.
So I said: Eraser wants to sue you for molestation.
Backkkk to the topic!
I am still having fun spamming people.
Especially attacking Oreo and Chooch with a sheep emoticon that Chooch used. :D
I love that sheep.
Monday, April 7, 2008
Psychological trauma;
Emotional Stress;
Boredom. AND BLAH.
Friday, April 4, 2008
Hear me whine!
First, regarding repairs of my W880i.
The handphone went to the "hospital" for 4 days.
CAME BACK WITH A WORSE PROBLEM. I serviced it 2 times before.
First time. Software "hanged"
Second time. Auto switch off when I swing it.
Third time. Failure to start up and read my sim card. [current problem]
Warranty expires on: 13 April 2008.
I am very bored without it. My Nokia N70 is laggy. ):
Then, the Mass Run at IJC.
I won't be surprised it is a hidden attempt to kill me >:(
The trail is "treacherous". I'd surely fail cos I walked 75% of the time. -faints-
Innova JC is great, but the trail outside the school is :O
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
I'll only be getting my W880i only this Thursday.
But I have focus studies, and I can't make it on time.
That's sad.