Hello, I am Mich.
But actually, I am a sheep and I go "Mehs" when I am really happy.
This will be my ex-blog now, since I've grown out of it.
But I will still keep the blog, as tribute to my metamorphsis.
Click here to know my current location on the WWW.
Saturday, March 8, 2008

Was bored and decided to go audition because I have nothing better that I want to do.
But my brother changed into his desktop, and his audition needs some serious patching, as shown by the pathetic screenshot above.
45 patches. :O How long isit going to take -.-
Its not even halfway through as I am typing here. Oh well. This can serve as time for me to spend some time blogging and what not.
I want a new blogskin where everything is shown on 1 page, not those that you have to click on to visit other areas of the blog like tagboard etc.
However, there is a serious lack of them. No, not really though, on second thoughts.
Just that majority of them are really complicated, and not my taste. I prefer simple ones.
Like Vin's new blog. Polka-dots. ;D
I am so going to steal her profile where she declares her love for our group. x3
Spies at patch.
Halfway through~
I am going to try out a blue blogskin temporarily. :D
-Hurries before patch is done. Whee~-
i am a sheep. yes, i am.
Perhaps you know me, perhaps you don't.
Whatever the case is, well. Let me introduce myself, and the many aliases I go by.
I am
Mich. But in game, I go by many names. Here's a few.
In AuditionSEA,
---MICH--- is
In PlayPark Forums,
I may be
Mehs, or
In CabalSEA,
I am
xMich, but is inactive in-game.
You can get me a present, if you want to,
on the 24th of March every year
Saturday, March 8, 2008

Was bored and decided to go audition because I have nothing better that I want to do.
But my brother changed into his desktop, and his audition needs some serious patching, as shown by the pathetic screenshot above.
45 patches. :O How long isit going to take -.-
Its not even halfway through as I am typing here. Oh well. This can serve as time for me to spend some time blogging and what not.
I want a new blogskin where everything is shown on 1 page, not those that you have to click on to visit other areas of the blog like tagboard etc.
However, there is a serious lack of them. No, not really though, on second thoughts.
Just that majority of them are really complicated, and not my taste. I prefer simple ones.
Like Vin's new blog. Polka-dots. ;D
I am so going to steal her profile where she declares her love for our group. x3
Spies at patch.
Halfway through~
I am going to try out a blue blogskin temporarily. :D
-Hurries before patch is done. Whee~-