Tuesday, February 26, 2008
I am proud to declare that I am sick. On a Tuesday!
I got flu yesterday, today I have sore throat (whee! BONUS!) , slight cough, headaches, and a runny nose. (Yes, my nose is running away~!)
So, out of pure sheer boredom, lets see what are the fucked up lessons that I won't have to attend today.
For one, no EL lessons! That's the lesson I hate the most.
I don't hate the language, if I do, then I won't be blogging in english, but in my lovely mother tongue.
The teacher is like *@#@(#!@+#_!@. I won't elaborate.
OR maybe I will. Ok, I won't. Cos no matter how scary they are, I'd still have the minimal respect, till they do something so bad, that I lose all respect for them.
I dread to think I missed Physics and Maths lessons. *Thinks about homework owing, file checks and blah*
I will catch up /;
D&T. Oh my tian, I haven't even touch any of my designs. Dang.
Although I am sick, I still have the ability to lose 30k or more on BPs. Mehs, I will see who is free to go out with me in the noon if the irritating headache goes away. I need to get that Physics assesment book you know? =="
I might even stop by school and get hooted by my friends. D;
Its like damn bad, I cant breathe. (Yes I really can't, cos of the bad bad flu. >0<)
Panadol does wonders. But still, I can't scream cos of my voice. (It squeaks when I try? -.-)
I also realised how free my maid is when nobody's home, gosh, she has more free time than me.
Oh wells. I am so relaxed now, haven't been so since the start of school. D: 2008's certainly a busy year for me.
I shall eat, snooze, then play until my brothers come back from school. (Then I will act like I am still sick) ;D
Saturday, February 23, 2008
#249. emos
Why is everybody like suddenly breaking up all of a sudden?
No, its not all of a sudden, it goes one by one.
People I know are slowly drifting apart, like they've never been close before.
Perhaps its true. But why so? ._.
The broken hearts that I have to comfort breaks me too.
Why take it so seriously? Life is short, live life to the fullest.
I don't believe in mulling over someone who doesn't miss you at all.
We should be sentimental (by right, or at least to me anyway). And be thankful that they've shared happy times together at all.
I think because of the fact that each other have given the other party joy, they should be thankful for one another. Nothing lasts forever.
I hate people who put their ex-es down, especially if they've agreed to part on good terms. Its a despicable behaviour.
Dang those guys, they deserve to be sent to hell. ._.
Oh wait, that reminds me, there are bad girlys too. So, to be fair, "Dang those people"
Its been 3 long years since you left. 3 years.
Exactly on this day, today.
I've grieved for you since the time you were not around.
How I admired girls who have their mothers as their best friends.
How close they are to each other, I am so so so jealous.
Who can I confide to? There's no one who can be compared to you.
No one.
Nobody can match up to the level of love you had for me. Nobody.
No one can understand me as much as you do.
How I longed for someone of equivalence to you. But nobody can replace you.
Not now, not ever.
Because you're irreplaceable.
3 long years....
For once, I have the courage to admit, I miss you.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
MUAHAHAS. I know that I have not updated for ages, because I was too busy FORUMMING D;
Aww, that's sad I suppose. But lesser people are reading. Except for rare confessions of "Hey, never update liao uh? I very sian want to read your blog."
AHH~! I am so touched.
As to why I am in such a good mood today is that even though that in my small class of 35, we have only 14 people who passed MATHEMATICS(take note: it's my most hated subject.), I am one of them!!
OH MY TIAN, I have re-newed hope of passing that &#)@#)!@ SUBJECT LIKE FINALLY?!
Mehs, but I won't be too complacent as I usually pass my first maths test then fail all the way.
Zz.... Shan't get too depressing because it's the dreaded O; O levels this year.
Because of my SUPERB MOOD, I will upload some pictures that I intended to upload some 50 years ago but kept putting off.
THE CNY PHOTOS. Sadly, I am not in any of them. Muahahs. ;DD
Hehs, psps, when I am happy, I am also lazyyy...
I only have pictures of the deserts. x3~ I love the desert, the photos don't do them justice cos its a dirty lens-ed 2.0MP Sony Walkman Phone. Mehs.
I want that W960i sia. T.T
Monday, February 18, 2008
For pete's sake, I don't have time to update.
But still I will try.
Lets see. Blah blah blah. I just switched off my handphone and I am too lazy to connect it and get my picts loaded up here.
I have some. But I am lazyyy....
Ok, short story. I went to Queensway/town Shopping centre yesterday to get a new pair of shoes.
I wanted my old Adidas with light pink stripes by the side, but it was not available. I walked around til I was bored, and settled for one with blue stripes instead.
Let's not talk about that, cos I am sad. //:
As usual, forummed, and I updated my design portfolio. x3~
History Test tmr. Wish me luck.
-Aisehs sibeh chiong uhh-
Thursday, February 14, 2008

Monday, February 11, 2008
Well, school re-opened after the short CNY break, and I must say that things went back to as hectic as it was the way before.
Vin went to Indonesia over the holidays and she came back with donuts! ;D
She treated the 6Brothers with DONUTS. Yum ;D
That sweetheart even took the effort to microwave it in the morning, but she forgot that by the time it was recess, it'd be cold already ._.
Today we originally had Math Focus Studies, but they cancelled it because we were too fast. Anyways, I was habouring thoughts of skipping the lesson already ;X
See, we only have 7 people (and that includes me) in the small study group.
One has soccer match.
One is absent.
One decides to skip.
One decides to go because he skipped the last lesson, and wants to make up for it.
One is sure going to the lesson.
One thinks he's going.
And the last one, me, is thinking whether should I go, or go home and sleep.
In the end, while debating in the class after we were dismissed, the teacher walked in and told us that it was cancelled. We did little to conceal out happiness :D
I have a recent addiction to the Playpark forums. (NOT THE FASHION MALL SECTION THOUGH.) Since I can't play the game, the forums is the best substitude for me.
And I am going to change back to my old blogskin, because this blogskin is so unlike my style ;X
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
CNY's coming :D
And I hope that all of you, my dear friends, or the random passers-by who stumbles across my blog,
I am going to have a fantastic day ;D
That is, by ignoring all my homework -.-!
You can ignore the list below, that's my homework. To remind me and friends who just happens to have to do the same homework.
- D&T coursework.
- Maths Assignments. (Ex. 3.4; 4.1; 4.2)
- Physics TYS
- Physics Workbook.
- Physics graph-practice from Physics textbook page 207.
- Physics ray diagram, attach to the work mentioned above.
- STUDY FOR Social Studies CT1.
- STUDY FOR ALL SUBJECTS. It's the Common Test Week after the CNY holidays.
Monday, February 4, 2008
#243. CNY rnd th corner
I haven't been updating for long and I suppose that, well. It's because of all the acitivites lately.
First and foremost, my dnt coursework. I can't possibly postphone this all too important task with the teacher checking on us twice a week, and possibly alot more in time to come.
Then, it's the chinese new year. Oh have pity on me because I really haven't got the time to shop. That was until on Sunday, which I took half a day off from work to go shopping at Jurong.
I went to Bega with XY, and I must say that the attitdude of the sales persons are extremely enthusiastic! To a point that it's abit over the edge. They will help you pick out clothes, bring you to the fitting rooms and dump you with more clothes to try if you commented something like, "Hey, I don't really fancy this top/ bottom." or "I don't think it matches very well."
Throughout the whole
I bought two tops that costs me $72. D; Gawd, my money T.T
After that, we went to look for boots. The process of getting the boots wasn't very interesting, so I will spare you the details. And so, I bought a pair of dark brown boots with $50.
So, I will continue about today. School stuff is boring and montonous, so I will spare you the crap.
SY called me out to shop with her, she went to IP Zone to buy 3 tops, and I went to buy a pair of black skinny jeans at 77th Street. Boy was IP Zone and 77th street crowded. It was filled with people like us, doing very very last minute shopping.
The process is very unloved by me.
I was wearing the new pair of boots. So yupps, we shopped and SY also bought a pair of Billabong slippers for her brother at Power9.
After which, it was nearing 9pm so we decided to go home, especially SY, as she is a M'sian and there are alot of jams in the causeway at this time.
It was when I took the lift when the tragedy happened. Too preoccupied with the pink unknown mess of goo on the lift floor and keen to avoid it, I stepped into the lift's gap. And one of the dainty heel's stopper went right off. And I didn't notice it until I went home feeling the boots are never quite the same again.
Oh well, I can replace the thing right? Hopefully before CNY, which is 2 days after. But it's a slim chance, giving that I have to work on Wednesday after school.
I am looking forward to Addison's movie treat that he promised, and oh no. I forgot that I need to cut my hair D:
Friday, February 1, 2008
For those who are wondering what's up with handballs, I shall tell you what.
It's a small ball, and is played in similar style to the captains ball, except that you can bounce the ball 3 times before passing. It's useful in getting away from your opponents I must say.
And so, whilst we were playing with the handball yesterday, Vin and I got hit on our heads by the handball thrown by Weicheng. x.x He didn't do it purposely of course.
Else he'd suffer the wrath of Vin the scary D; (She can really scream, as in, really scream)
For more details, read Vin's bloggeh ;D
Vin said something today about donuts, and I STILL LOVE 'EM :D
Chinatown's got this cute uhh... whatever? (Below)