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Thursday, January 31, 2008

I am bored.

Just want to say, handball's violence. //:

Very violent
Wednesday, January 30, 2008


I must say that I am slacking again, am I not?

I am slowly, sinking back into my old lifestyle where slacking is very much encouraged.

That's has to be a bad sign.

I did owe my teachers a lot of homework.

And they did say if you don't clear all the debts you owe before CNY, you will owe the person something all your life.

Now, I don't want to owe Mr Goh something all my life, and I am sure he don't want to be pestering me over some maths homework all my life!


Today was fun in chem lab, but my experiment on testing cations wasn't very much successful.

For one, in my haste to get the thing over with ASAP, I added too much Zinc powder.

Then, while pouring the dilute hydrochloric acid, I was half drifting away. Thus, resulting in like, almost half a test tube of the acid.

So, it wouldn't react! No matter that i did add additional Zinc powder and Copper(II) Sulphate powder. It's a bigggg failure.

So that's an important note to myself.


Tsk tsk.

Recently, I realised that when I am finally able to be able to cast aside my desires to audi, many people are joining audi.

Of all the people it has to be, they are WeiCheng and SiHao.

NOOOOO. If people from the brotherhood asks me to join in a game, they most likely won't have to spend any effort persuading me. Uhh, that's one of my new year resolutions gone.

I am not impressed with myself.

Jace is off to write her compo, and I shall give Vin a surprise attack in audi ;D

She's changed her name to Estara ;D
Monday, January 28, 2008

Here I am, online again, after a long long day at school.

I must say I can't even slack today. Attempts to sleep in class are not very successful.

#Chinese lesson: Was chatting with Siying, crapping and swearing at somebody.

#Physics lesson: Mr Goh's lesson. No sleeping D:

#Humanities: Sitting in the front of the class. Right infront of the teacher. I am not so bold to sleep right there and then.

#POA: Mr Wong's lesson. Already lagging behind, I can't afford to sleep. Plus he's the in-charge of the Sec4s disciplinary. I want no trouble. -.-!

After school, we pia-ed the classroom decorations for CNY, but I must say it wasn't very successful as only me, Vinn stayed back. Sihao went home, because he really did alot for the decos and he was not feeling well. Addison stayed around to help around abit. And I must say, that QW, THAT BAKA IDIOT. HELP 4/4 AND ABANDONS HIS OWN CLASS. Somemore 4/4 HAD LOTS OF PEOPLE TO HELP WITH THE DECO. WE ONLY HAVE 2!

Then, I had to go for extra maths lessons (that's what you get for failing mathematics) and poor Vinn was left very much alone. She can't complete it before the judging, but well, she tried ;D

Maths lesson was fun. Considering Addison was crapping alot beside me. Some of the maths questions were crap anyways, and we had 1qns as maths homework.

Again, we were reminded to buy the Ten-Year Series (TYS) for the lessons. None in the group, except from a girl from another class, bought the book.

As you can see, 4/9ners are very very united in not getting textbooks. D:

Unless they are ordered, and commanded to pay for. I shall be the good girl that I always was, and I will go get the book. I hope.

I will go off now, to convert the 2007 powerpoint version to an older version. Cos the stupid teacher's laptop can't read such files. Oh my gawd.

She doesn't even have the sense to go update or go get an application that will allow her to. But then again. She's not worth the trouble to teach.
Sunday, January 27, 2008

I realised that luck plays a really important part when I go to random lan shops.

A real important part.

Unless you are interested in getting a computer that goes at a speed of minimum 7kbps and a max speed of around 11kbps.

I am not kidding anyone of you.

A solemn note for those who dare to venture into 883 lan -.-"


On what lessons, you may wonder.

Well, its on knowing which are the computers that lag like hell, and which are the ones that won't.

And I hereby give you a lesson completely free-of-charge, never ever use com24.

If you decide to use it, (which is damn well against my advice) well, I must say that you are a stubborn one.

And don't say I never warned you.

Neverthless, I had fun going there with Vinn laopo. And the 'brothers'. (Refer to Vin's blog for more details :D)

And, laopo witnessed first hand how much I can miss on a game :O

It ain't pretty too. Sorry hon x.x!

Well, this trip to 883 really settles alot of things for me. I am like, so not gonna step into any random lan shops anymore.

Except for PCBunk.

List of all things good about Bunk:
  • No lag. :D
  • Fast Internet speeds. (Similar to point 1, I know)
  • No fuckers sitting across you yelling things like : CB! LJ! FUCK LAR!
  • Friendly staff. (Boy do I appreciate good service now.)
  • Loud speakers.
  • Flat screen monitors.
  • Air-conditioner's actually cold. Nevermind if its freezing cold.
  • Steady tables. (I have a habit of smacking the table should I miss alot. And thats very often. Guess if the tables can take my smacking or not.)

All things bad about Bunk:

  • Hits abit hard on the pockets, afterall, its $4/hr and I am just a student.
  • It's far from where I live.

Ok, suddenly I can't be bothered to blog anymore, so I shall uhm, audi ;X

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Today was the school's Learning Journey day. Some of us went to Changi Prison, Sentosa, Duck/Hippo Tours, cemeteries and Tiger Brewery.

We had a bit of confusion initially because they were unsure of whether should we go to St James Power Station or the brewery in Tuas. So the bus spent time going around in Woodlands and uh, wasted some time.

The reason why they thought it might be St James Power Station because they had a Tiger Museum there. So, they were unsure if we should go there instead. Nevertheless we ended up in Tuas.

We were given passes before we can go into the brewery. & I took some photograhs. :D

My pass

XY's pass

The guide mostly told us the history of the company. And also how they brew the beer.

In the guide's words: The most diluted beer Asia-Pacific Breweries ever made.

Another type of packaging for Tiger Beer.

Old machinery they used to filter the beer.

Random. These are the old trays with the Tiger Beer branding and advertisement slogans.

Uh, I had no idea why I took this picture. I suppose I took almost everything in the gallery.

5Litre kegs, they're like so cute x.x

Limited Edition Tiger Beer packaging D;

Hmms, if forgot Erdingers. I think they're some European beer that Asia-Pacific Breweries managed to obtain a licence to brew locally.

Guiness & Kilkenny draught. :D Guiness is made up of more black malt than the normal white ones, resulting in the dark black colour look it has.

ABC ;D Ahpek's beeer ;X

Guineess black stout ;x same as above

Anchor beer! Another beer locally brewed.

Baron's strong brew. The guide refused to tell us what's the difference. Cos he don't want to encourage us to drink. Uhm. Yeah, like that really won't happen x.x

Heineken. Grr, I have a story behind this to complain about!

Surely I don't have to introduce - Tiger Beer!

Tiger Beer in a paper bag :O
Lols, don't really know why I took this picture.

After the whole tour, we got to go to the Tiger Tavern for drinks.

Hmms, what do you think we got to drink?

COKE and SPRITE x.x"

The tavern was very very very nicely decorated. It even has this nice nice POOL TABLE. Which I didn't get to play on. //:

Ok, more pictures. Without me or Vinn in D; cos its not stored and taken with my handphone. -.-!

-spies- POOL TABLE

I love the deco in the tavern x3~

Table of Sprites and uhh, Henry trying to take Vinn and me ;D

Mr Wong is a pro pool player.

Skills of a pro! ^^

Shall end here. Jace is very kan cheong :D

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

SY forwarded this chain mail to me, which I thought was kinda touching. (I hardly get these type of emotions nowadays, considering that I am a semi-robotic person with no feelings ;X

Here's the contents of the email.


A girl and guy were speeding over 100 mph on the road on a motorcycle...

Girl: Slow down. Im scared.
Guy: No this is fun.
Girl: No its not. Please, its too scary!
Guy: Then tell me you love me.
Girl: Fine, I love you. Slow down!
Guy: Now give me a BIG hug.
Girl hugs him
Guy: Can you take my helmet off & put it on yourself? Its bugging me.

In the paper the next day :(
A motorcycle had crashed into a building because of brake failure. Two people were on it, but only one had survived.
The truth was that halfway down the road, the guy realized that his brakes broke, but he didn't want to let the girl know. Instead, he had her say she loved him & felt her hug him one last time, then had her wear his helmet so that she would live even though it meant that he would die.

Guys like him in the story shouldn't die, I know of jerks who deserve to crash and burn.

Dad says, good guys die young. You mean if I live to a hundred then I am evil? How about the increased life spans of Singaporeans? Meaning lots of us are evil too? I don't get him sometimes.

I don't understand why a friend can drift so far away from me. Is it just me? It's just been a holiday, yet I have not spoken 10 sentences to her.

She used to be a good friend whom I held dear to my heart, yet, I now feel like I can't say a thing to her. I feel I don't know her. Maybe I never did.

It could be a case of conflict in interests that we drift apart. Like a few of the others. Or maybe we never really can get together without help from other friends. Or she found a better group of friends. And is drifting away because of that.

I am not a very good friend. I am not a very good girl either.

I am not pristine, I am not the best girly in the world. I don't behave like an angel, I seldom have any use to people. Except to accompany them etc etc.

But, I will be very open with it. Friends come and go, like how I am to them, and how they are to me, they are just random passers-by in my life.

I feel like I live double lives. The cover of me is a screaming, hysterical and extremely high girl.
Happy, content. But all I want to do is just to clam up sometimes, like today. In the morning assembly. I practically didn't say a word.

XY was worried. She was asking me alot of questions like "Tired? Sian? Sleepy?" I just shook my head. Then she tried "No mood arh?"

I didn't want her to worry anymore, so I attempted to reply. -.-! It felt as if it was a tremendous effort mentally and physically to reply. But I did open my mouth and say "Maybe". -with a little smile-

I am sorry, really sorry if my posts are getting too dead, heavy and boring.

Its just me, I lost that zest that I used to have in life.

Or maybe is that I am going to face alot more things in life and that I am stepping out in to society soon. Reality, afterall, hits hard. Often mercilessly.

Vinn, my laopo, asked me to blog D; Seems like I haven't been updating of late.

Lols. But I have nothing to say.

School life is boring. And most of all, seems to be the same everyday. I go home feeling sleepy and go to school feeling sleepy.

Yes, I have no life. :DD

Well anyways, I have decided to go to a poly to study aerospace electronics (crosses fingers)

I think I can't survive in JC environment. Plus, I am too noob for a JC ;D

If I am lazy. I will go to Republic Poly. Cos, its near, almost like going to RSS.

I checked out Sg Poly's webby for information on the aerospace course, and here's the link for your information. Should you also be interested :D

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

I feel like I changed, so did every one else.

My heart breaks. Why can't everything just work out?

Do you have to be so bo taiji cher taiji? (no prob, find prob?)

I don't want to grow up... Don't want to.

But who has the choice not to?

I accept what life throws, flings, bombs, at me, why should you be an exception?

YOU, were the one who chose YOUR subject combination and YOU agreed, told the vp that YOU accept the change of classes.

DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE TO COMPLAIN AND WHINE TO ME. I know that you're just showing off.


I pity and despise people of your kind. It's the reason why human beings are labelled as "human race".

The pathetic dog-eat-dog world coupled with the rat race.

You can skip this post if you want to, I feel like a philosopher now.

People ask:
-What does life mean to you?
-What's your goal, ambition in life?
-How can you waste it away, doing seemingly mindless things that the society cannot accept?

-Life means being alive to me. And to be true to myself, and to enjoy myself. And, no matter what are the choices I make, I will do it with NO REGRETS WHATSOEVER.

-My goal and ambition, sad to say. I don't have one now. Going to a poly/JC is only in hope of making things work out for me, so that I can survive alone in the world when I have to work. To be independent.

-In point of "wasting my life away, doing seemingly mindless things". Everyone's definition is different, that is if they have a brain. What may seem to you as "wasting my life away", may be viewed as something productive to me. Don't hurt my feelings, I don't want to conform to society. I don't want to be just another mindless person, working his/her way to the top, void of any life, void of any feelings.

Another point when i side-track.

Did you, ever feel so small, so insignificant, when you fail to protect something that you treasure so much so that you think you cannot live without?

Did life, let you go so out of control that you feel that you can't even control how your life's heading? Did it catch you by surprise?

Don't rebut me, saying that you can fucking control everything in your life.

You simply can't, you're lying if you say you can.

Like how I saw my mother lying on the hospital bed so feebly, and when she left me, the feeling of helplessness and hopelessness.
If you experienced someone leaving you behind, then you will know.
But I will not cry, not in front of people.
The last breath taken in, the silence, the grim knowledge of death.
It all hurts inside. Til now, the scars are still there, it still hurts. But I will be optimistic and move on.

with every relationship I have.

I went to Vin's blog and was stunned by the number of posts she has these few weeks. I haven't been updating for a real long time I suppose.

But really, I have been so busy with work. Ok, maybe I am lying to myself abit. D;

So upon returning her tag. I shall BLOG! (Rebutts ME: Aren't you already doing that now? ==" )

Let me think what happened today that's worth mentioning about?




I suppose, nothing lehs. But I just feel like blogging, that's all.

Today's lessons were fine, except for English, when I nearly fell alsleep. I felt so tired today, so unlike me.

I love audition's Ballroom Mode. I think it took over Club Mode :D

In every channel, there's at least 1 Ballroom Room. And Clubbing's out xD

Or maybe its new, that's why its getting all the attention. Special BBoy Mode rocks too. I've never been a big fan of BBoy, but Special BBoy's got me addicted.

I shouldn't game so much, its supposed to be like, off-limits to me.

I am reminiscing old songs, and I love this song. :D For reasons I shall not specify.

Friday, January 18, 2008

before i fall asleep waiting for audi to patch i think i will blog, i am slipping back into my bo chup style again... lols

i simply cant be bothered sometimes. besides i am half alsleep no?





having said that. the patch failed. WTFFFF. >;(


I reformatted my com today due to a unknown dunno-what-the-fuck problem that reallyyy pissed me off.

I spent precious time reformatting and downloading alot of things. D:

That's sad ok. Lols.

It's been a long time since I audi-ed? And I miss my friends, mei, diis, gan erzi etc etc etc.

Now got people ask me maple. Yeah right. When I haven't even downloaded audi.

Before that someone asked if I tried Ballroom dancing. *THROWS BRICK*

I did say that I REFORMATTED.

Aisehs, all STM//:

I don't knw what to say sia, except that my butt still hurts from the fall I took at the ice-skating rink.

Ice-skating is fun when you don't slip at the wet parts of the rink yar?

It was cute yesterday at the rink. SH was there for the first time and the girl don't know how to tie the laces tightly. D: So I helped her xD

And then, QW that baka also dunno how to tie, so I taught him too. (Ahahas. I am making myself sound so pro but I am not. I only KNOW how to tie the laces lor.)

Before I can settle him, Sky came. LOLS. So I taught 3 ppl xD

Actually the evil me don't want to help Sky de. But he called me senior *shuang :D*

So I help him lor. LOLS. I am such a retard.

The short lesson taught us how to uhh... glide, skate the backward wiggle. (I can still remember the instructor, "Shake your butt along with your legs") And how to lift a leg up while gliding across the rink.

I was like ... and collasping in bits of laughter every now and then.

Everyone had fun. Till we walked out of the rink bah. Then while I was undoing my skates, I heard LD:

LD: Everyone seems to be ordering Gary around.
Me: Is it? Not everyone lar. I haven't lorh! I also want to order him around.
Gary: *Looks at me*
Me: Uhm Gary later help me take my bag. xDD
Gary: Why har?
Me: Cos LD says that everyone is ordering you around what, but I haven't. So I also want to try.
LD: *Laughs in background*
Gary: Ok lor, later when I also go take my bag.

But in the end I am not so evil to insist lar. I don't bully juniors. ;D

Well anyways, I got labelled by my jrs as the "PRIMARY SIX GIRL".

Who supposedly escaped from Qihua Primary. Yeah right~

They attempted to crack a joke with the tr-in-charge but failed. Hohos.

Tr said: Your senior is just trying to humour you guys lar.

Oh yay its so true xD

Hehs, how did she know I played along with them ;D

Somemore one of the jrs, and the seniors were from Qihua, and they were like 'Really meh? How come I never see her before/ don't know her?'

They even said I had a Qihua face. What the hell's that....

Shall stop here. And blog today's events ;D
Wednesday, January 16, 2008

My Msn is still in chinese. I don't know why lar. But it's really making me fume. D:
I can't work well on chinese operated sites cos I am used to reading in english. Plus, the words are traditional chinese, not simplified chinese. Make that a double headache.
Oh gawd. Someone help me with this T.T
Before I give up and is doomed to reading chinese eternally D;
There's a contact who got virus and repeatedly sends me this virus link. I feel like =="
*Inserts vulgarities*
Every few mins there'll be a msg from him ==" Like ROAR?
I feel like blocking the asshole. Lawls. No lar. But I won't be that evil, I am a goodddd girly x3~
Ain't I? ;D
I read this story on this Jack Russell which apparently got himself in the middle of the road divider in PIE. They launched a rescue effort but the dog got hit by a car in the middle of the highway. D:
Here's the full story : http://tnp.sg/news/story/0,4136,153552,00.html
:D I know I am reading alot of newspaper stuff lately.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Now I know the power of Vinee. I love that girl. Whoever that can't see the cuteness of my laopo is blind.

She's the sweetest little thing. And her new blog's blogskin is so niceee. (cos its the same as minee x3~ so i am BHB-ing abit) lawls xDD

{P.S. thanks for doing me justice VIN! x33}

Today we've got chinese lessons. So, guess who's kpkb-ing in class D:

No prizes for the correct guess. Of course is the _____.

I don't get what her puny little undeveloped brain is thinking about, I simply do not get it. Either I am a retard, or she is.

Who the hell she is to think that she can come in to the class and treat us as if we are less than primary school kids. I understand, that our current standards are not up to par to normal higher chinese students, and of course, incomparable to China kids.

I think I might have a personal grudge with her for picking on me sometimes last year, but this is really going too far.

SHE FUCKING CLAIMS: You think that you're very pro in the language is it? Truth is, you all are not. You have poor attitudes in learning the subject and blah blah blah. What the bitch says is alot. In fact I can dedicate at least 3 posts on what she says, claims, and scolds.

Fine, she is the teacher, the one with the most authority in the classroom. But she has no respect from me.

Why? Reason being is that. As a teacher, SHE TEACHES, AND WE LEARN.

SHE RANTS. About what? Us, of course. She picks on some people which she thinks are defiant.

You know what? I simply can't be bothered with her silly antics. They are not even worth mentioning. I am not going to suck up to her. If she's nice, I will be. I swear.

If she's behaving likewise, I can't be bothered.

She complains of another student :
Your powerpoint slides are not good cos the wordings have no contrast against the background, making it hard to read.

Yet, her own slides she presented are not so good either. It's a very very bad role model of a nice powerpoint slide. For one, she uses dark navy blue background and yellow wordings which are so faint, when you squint, you night have thought that the words were simply imagined by you.

She doesn't practice what she teaches. And I'd hardly qualify her as a teacher at all. She puts people down. Like she has the authority to.

I've been tolerating her for over a year, that bitch.

If I don't get this outta my system soon, I might just walk out of the classroom and drop Higher Chinese altogether. (On hindsight, its not worth it for the bitch, I will treat her as though she is not there, ranting like she was just discharged from Woodbridge.)

Ok. You can dismiss what I say as CRAP. YOU CAN. But that's the way I am going to think about her until she shows thst she is not.

AND I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR A YEAR. That's all that I can say.

Was even more determined to post when i saw this on the Electric New Paper website ;D http://tnp.sg/news/story/0,4136,153542,00.html??
Saturday, January 12, 2008
#226. The burden is GONE.

He's gone from my life. But I don't know what to say.

Vin & I hope that its going to be a clean break. I hope that it is. I am easily swayed by my emotions.

This time, everyone is clear-headed. Not the fast and confusing break before. Its final.

It's not as painful now, cos time wears off the passion and hurt. I don't really feel my heart break. That's good I think. It feels so real, cos we crossed the line.

Vin was right.

As always.

And like the usual me, stupid and bo chap. I don't rectify problems til its too late.

Its been months since I feel that no its not right. Vin says so too. But i figured that ignoring the problem (or running away) is easier. So, I let it lie til we are all tired of the fucking stupid pretence and give it all up.

Its less uhm, painful for everyone xD

He's not the right one, I am not the right one. & til we meet again, hope that he's got a nicer girlfriend than me.

No more "funny business" this year, not at least til the end of my GCE O Levels anyways.

Well on a lighter & happier note, I feel that I don't owe anyone anything now.

Except... Well, Xuan... He gave me the hacks (yay!) but I owe him one, BIG TIME.

Why am I blogging at this ungodly hour ;D I don't know.

But I want to thank Vin for being such a great friend x3!

She's always around (just nice, by fate, or chance.) when all these things happen. o.o

I don't know why xD

Loves the girly lots. She even found the best contact lenses for me. Thank God for such a nice girl. x33~
Friday, January 11, 2008
#225. damnit.

This year is not starting off really well. First I got banded into an English class which I don't really have any close friends there.

Fine, I hid in the back of the class. Sms and what not. What else can I do? Pay attention? Well I can if the teacher doesn't talk like she's speaking to a class of ants instead a classroom full of students.

My gosh, Vin was not there, XY wasn't. Nor there were any close peeps.

It was like torture, I hope I can at least transfer to other bands? Vin's? XY's?

Their teachers are much more fun anyways. I won't miss anything there. Well, I just have to bear for it for 1 year won't I?

I feel like such a failure sometimes.

What have I got? Nothing!

Without my dad I won't even be here or studying. No money, no life, no nothing. I won't even fucking exist!

Without friends. Life's just going to be plain boring. No life. No fun. No secrets to share.

Do I excel in studies? Hell no.

I am not even interested in most of the subjects I take. They have little use to me.

Motto: Memorise for exams, unless you can use it everyday, then remember it well.

The only lesson I feel that is not so boring is D&T. Well, cos it involves practical work. It keeps me awake, but no, I don't really do well in it. I like that subject alot though, it's really interesting to me.

Physics lessons are getting better because of the teacher. He has a really fun way of teaching the lessons so... yarh, it's really nice too.

I feel like no one can understand me cos I don't even understand myself. Don't say you do, you asshole.

You can so jolly well be ME if you understand me better than myself.

I do things that it even surprise myself. I am not impressed though. I am just being angry with myself. I feel so worthless, and I don't feel like doing anything about it.

I realise at the end of the day, I HAVE NO ONE EXCEPT MYSELF. And my family memebers. If they don't want me also, then I have nothing else, nothing else at all.

Thursday, January 10, 2008
#224. lawls draft; no post, REPOST :D

I changed my CCA to Health and Fitness Club ;D

&& Yes, I don't deny me being a slacker.

{I can't bring myself to lie anymore. //: I am sorry.}
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
#223. reviving bloggehs//:

this years design theme for dnt is damn easy :D thats a piece of exellent news!

but the sad news is i hafta get a whole lot of work done by tmr. thats still fine? i guess.

considering that my theme is just DISPLAY and hing's and teh's TRAVEL.

i should count my lucky stars that this year's theme is so easy as compared to last year's theme.

and yes i should do my work now, but the thing is i am very tempted to give my mind a break.

unfortunately i ended up chatting lols ftw.

and my ffing printer's not working, how can i print the pics? oh yea, there's the uhh... whats that called?


thumbdrive. xDD

tsk, but i need to find where's that lousy thing hiding. i lost it in sec2. after my powerpoints on uhh, dunno what liao.

thats unimportant and besides the point.

uhh well, after i went on to friendster to scream at some people, i went on to surfing the net randomly for ideas.

then the unfortunate and sick teh came online when i am very bored. and i kept disturbing him.

added him on friendster too cos i wanna find something to do. stuck on a mindmap for 2 hours.

its gonna make people roll on the floor and laugh their asses off.

it looks fugly btw. (my mindmap T.T) plus my handwriting is sort of like all weird, and uh, not ideally straight.

but instead its looks as if its slanted to one-side. reminds me of POA tr talking about UNBALANCED ACCOUNTS.

and i have not done his homework also. damn -.-"

oh well. there's always tomorrow and he's not coming on friday. might as well do it during that free period.

*rants on somemore*

lessons for Humanities are conducted in the library this term and its both fortunate and unfortunate.

for one, the library is air-conditioned(GOOD) like its a fridge(NOT GOOD). imagine me freeze... (NONONO. BADDD...)

in addition. the table's are only large enough to put my pencil case....

its quite large lar, plus the foldable table's not even A4-sized...

well, shall not complain.

mostly i blogged cos i am bored, and i am trying to prove my blogs not dead. SO FAR.

oh gawd, get me away from the computer.
Saturday, January 5, 2008
#222. ==


白羊座:懒得编理由  白羊负心汉懒得编任何分手的理由,光是那副逃之夭夭的嘴脸就够你受的。从平时他对你的态度,你大概可以猜测得到,他多容易对事物失去耐心,多容易追求其他新鲜的刺激。随着热恋期的退烧,他的态度就有一百八十度的明显转变,这时离他和你摊牌的时间就没多久了,白羊座的冲动会让他们快刀斩乱麻,而且是盲目的乱斩一通。

金牛座:牛皮比犀牛皮还厚  心思细密些的金牛座有可能瞒天过海,一直到事情非常严重了,才在不得以之下让你知道。金牛座不太会撒谎,而且也很容易出轨,一旦被你质问,他可能因无法招架而和你脸红脖子粗,但更有可能的是绝对不开口或打死不承认,他的毫无反应不知道是不是因为牛皮比犀牛皮还厚。

双子座:分手技术熟能生巧  这个星座可是出了名的不安定,早在你和他相识之初就应该有所觉悟。他会大剌剌的和你讨论路边的哪个俊男美女养眼,而且他也不会觉得花心和花痴有什么不对。就连口风也不紧,还好他们的分手技巧经过经年累月的练习,应该不会令人太难受。

巨蟹座:都是你不关心我  虽然巨蟹座是感情的守护者,但是在某些因素的困扰下,感情还是会变质的,难保他们不陷入左右为难的情网。通常巨蟹面临困扰时,会表现得特别伤春悲秋,先是感叹事物多变化,再感叹人生无常,然后独坐在家中将自己陷入乱七八糟的情绪里,最后将不够关心的罪名栽在你身上,便顺理成章的和“关心”他的另一个人在一起了。

狮子座:绝对不是他的错  如果狮子座和第三者有了暧昧的感觉,他们会对“原配”情人更加温柔体贴。这点用在鲁莽的男性狮子座上特别明显,他们会一反常态的对你特别好,女性的狮子则当然看起来更为妩媚。一旦决定离开时,所用的借口更是冠冕堂皇,说的比唱的好听,总而言之,爱面子的他们绝对没错就对了!

处女座:不打自招  这个星座面临分手时,情况会和巨蟹座或天秤座很像,他们无法快速而独断的做决定,也无法快速的整理好自己纷乱的情绪。他们当然很想学学伙伴金牛座或是摩羯座那样的瞒天过海,不过个性毛躁的他们往往做不到。他们首先会面临自己心中那把尺的谴责,然后焦急的寻找救赎,神经兮兮的他们有时侯会误以为攻击你,转移你的注意力,是一个好方法,对一些反应迟钝的人来说或许会被骗过一时,但是明眼人一看就知道,他们心虚了,才会笨到用这样不打自招的方式。

天秤座:超级爱牵拖  天秤座的家伙平时无论发生什么事,总是一副事不关己的优雅姿态,但是碰上分手一事,就一点也看不出他的技巧有多么的优雅了,所以在分手之前,你往往一点警觉也没有。如果他一阵子特别的心花怒放,又在你对他好之后马上的情绪不佳,这种情况绝对有鬼,然而爱牵拖的他们总是有理由可以离开你。

天蝎座:揭露你的恶行恶状  天蝎座的人爱憎分明,不怕死的他们说不爱就不爱了,很少有其他的借口,而且丝毫不会考虑你的感受,大剌剌的就说出要和你分手,态度变得冷淡是最清楚的指标。一旦确定要和你分手理由绝对充足,如果你要听理由,那包准会让你很难过的,因为他们几乎会毫不保留的把你的恶行恶状及生活丑态都告诉你。至于他们的出轨,放心吧!你是绝对查不到的。

射手座:都是你让我痛苦  不擅长保密的射手,一旦见异思迁或是感觉冷淡时,约会、电话的次数都会明显的下降,打电话去或是CALL他的呼机也不会回,有大哥大的会常常关机,反正你们见面的次数越少,距离分手的时间就越近。爱逃避问题的射手座是打太极拳的老手,只要对这段感情觉得很痛苦,他绝对有本事让你以为问题出在你自己身上,往往等你清醒过来,再回头已是百年身,觉悟吧

摩羯座:什么都不说  摩羯座的人很喜欢压抑自己,把嘴闭紧什么都不说,分手前很可能一点一点消息都不走漏。如果你顺着他的性子,试着使用温情攻势,先别攻击他,让他卸下防备,再一点一点的温柔逼问(撒娇),这样他就无法招架了。只要一开口撒谎总会露出马脚,这时他们只能继续保持冷漠,让你欲哭无泪。

水瓶座:用阳谋取代阴谋  聪明冷静的水瓶座,绝对能在事前将情况布局得天衣无缝。受到理性控制,几乎完全没有情绪的他们,要不要说出秘密只在于他想不想说而已,再加上他们平时独来独往惯了,这会儿跟谁在一起,你也无从查起。更重要的是他们善用“阳谋”掩盖“阴谋”,声东击西的手段可是高明的很呢

双鱼座:把问题丢给你  通常面对这类感情纠葛时,他会先说谎,不过说谎的技术太差又留下太多证据很容易被识破;再来会逃避,他会躲到自己的梦里不愿和你讨论这个问题;如果你再追问下去,好啦!他便会使出绝招,把要不要将这段感情继续下去的问题交由你决定,他回痛苦的等待你的宣判。肇事者是他,决定者是你,你看多么公平多么高招,他可是一点责任也没有

lols. sorry its all in chinese cos i cant get the english ones. & here's the link for all these horoscope stuff. http://www.xingzuo123.com/htm/12star/041709536.htm

its for fun bahs. i still remember how interested i was in this type of things when i am in primary5 :D

tsk i go dinner liao :D
Friday, January 4, 2008
#221. CCA #!*(@#(!()$

imma supposed to like uhh. change my CCA today but qw said that the tr had a meeting today. dun wna wait so yarh.

went with sy n xq to lunch. didnt eat anything so after they finished i went home. so i think i will be taking/ chging my cca on mon :D

listening to a niceeee song x3~

Never had a dream come true by S Club :D

just a short post -.- so... yarhs.. bb x3
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
#220. first day of sch. x.x

haiz, first day of school jiu spot check.

didnt break a lot of rules i guess.

hair, socks, wasn't caught for my nails. ;D

happy happy. shall remember to bring hair pins and to wear socks that i can pull up for the spot check tml. and also to take out my other pair of ear studs. x.x in case i get caught. cos we're only allowed 1 pair of ear studs or ear sticks. //: sad

the whole day was boring i guess. cos we had no lessons at all.

just random crapping, re-informing & reminding us of the school rules, and the admin stuff.

we've even got a new colour for our classroom!

but what the eff lar, its looks like a.... uhmmm....

hospital. -.-!

cos its pale blue and pale grey. pale pink and pale grey. -.-!

people agreed with me -.-

and that means its really bad.

lugged like alot of files to school today too. lets see, 2 maths files. 1 humanities file. and 1 poa file. plus the poa textbook, and 2 maths textbooks. (damn, i left the maths textbook in class and i need it for my homework!)

first day of school is not usually fun and all, but after i settle down and have alot more free time, i shall go and stalk people. and yes i am that bored -.-!

damn, whats happened to me? (:

i am so renting tha locker this year. cos i cant stand lugging books to school -.-!

another $30 just flew out of my pockets.

plus the assesments that we need to buy... -.-!

i guess. oh nvm.

i m looking forward to chinese new year and i hope my dad can make up his mind fatser on where he wants to travel to during the extended holiday. so that i wont have to visit all the relatives. its tiring...

yes, i am anti-social cos i play too much computer. ;D

he's thinking of KL ( uhh. -silence- ok?) , Malacca (nothing to do there! ), Genting (FUN! cos theres a lan shop and wireless connection in the hotel rooms ;D )

overall todays quite alright... but i guess i wont go online so often now that i have school. ^^

and damn my CCA.


FT (form teacher) told us some ghost stories (with one relating to the school) . shall post soon.... (maybe?)

lots and lots of x3~
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
#219. back

this is my new look in audi. x3~!

well anyways, moving on, i went to stay in JB overnight as my dad wanted a holiday. we mostly window-shopped, and my bro bought a new pair of converse. after that they went to watch alvin and the chipmunks so my other bro went back with me and my dad to the hotel :D

after going back, we watched tv while dad explored the hotel facilities. -.-!

& we had fun with the nitendo ds.

we turned in quite late. ;D

the next morning, i must say it was a very bored morning. i went on msn using my aunts laptop. and also went on to audition. looked for people to disturb :D

in the end i picked aloysious. cos i want that patch! but he dont want to give me unless i bought him something -.-"

if you logged in to my account you will see that it has 0 cash ^^ hahas

i wanted him to play the old songs for me but it turned out that he was at his friend's house. equals to no patch. no songs T.T

was so frigging bored. then after he went off i went to practice my beat up skills.

then we went out to get pizza for lunch. we slacked in the rooms with my cousins :D

had fun and it was really hilarious. i tried to strangle my brother when he was hiding in the bedsheets. my cousins attempted to scare my aunt by hiding in the closet.

my dad was relaxing in the other hotel room where we did not wreck havoc in xD

when it was 3, we checked out and went to buy secret receipe to buy a cake and window -shopped some more. (why window-shop? cos i never see anything that i want :D )

then we went home ;D

not exactly though. we called the maid to bring a bottle of 2004 red wine for the party later on (it was changed to a buffet, AND PIZZA D:)

my bro went for a swim while i slacked -.-!

we did not bring any wine opener so my dad opened it with his keys. the cork was floating inside the bottle when it was opened. D:

fortunately, there was no uhh. cork bits when you poured the wine out. my dad gave me a full cup. which was rare, and so i was suspicious.

me: ribena ar?
dad: no lar.

it tasted like alcoholic ribena lorh -.-" ftw. but it still tasted not bad lar.

my bro said it was half cup wine and half cup ribena. tsk, i drank it anyways. and sneaked 2 cups more... shh.. :D weren't allowed to drink that much, for the wine was for his friends. (but they cant drink lar. they got to drive~)

after that around 9, my dad went home cos we are all deadbeat and needed to rest.

leo called me at 00.00 1jan2008. and i slept through his sms, phonecall, and my handphone alarm. -.-"

i am supposed to be quite a light sleeper. guess i am too tired :D