Hello, I am Mich.
But actually, I am a sheep and I go "Mehs" when I am really happy.
This will be my ex-blog now, since I've grown out of it.
But I will still keep the blog, as tribute to my metamorphsis.
Click here to know my current location on the WWW.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
bbq at pasir ris todayyyy

BORED. x.x"

cam whore x.x proof of it. (: just 1 tho. nt gna show u e rest. kaka~

outside e chalet

me being bo liao. BBQ PEANUTSS =="

wingss. yummm~
went to bbq at pasir ris today, x.x
MY DAD CHIONG 1 RED LIGHT. x.x hope no summons
felt sorry for darls. its his lunar calender's birthday today ):
& i had to keep going out. =/
uhh. so went to costa sands for bbq. i was boredd.
& i cam-whored in the toilet x.x
yeah =="
in the frigging toilet (;
after that we left (;
went to newton circus for supper. i didnt eat anthing. was uber full...
my dads weirddd. =="
so full still drag me go eat. =="
i slacked e whole day, felt miserable as though i am a rag doll dragged around.
whn i sat in the car, dad's driving at 115km/h max. felt sian so i leant against the car door
i watched the road & wondered what if the door flew open nw.
if i die, who will come to my funeral? lols
okays its getting depressing.
i am a sheep. yes, i am.
Perhaps you know me, perhaps you don't.
Whatever the case is, well. Let me introduce myself, and the many aliases I go by.
I am
Mich. But in game, I go by many names. Here's a few.
In AuditionSEA,
---MICH--- is
In PlayPark Forums,
I may be
Mehs, or
In CabalSEA,
I am
xMich, but is inactive in-game.
You can get me a present, if you want to,
on the 24th of March every year
Saturday, November 10, 2007
bbq at pasir ris todayyyy

BORED. x.x"

cam whore x.x proof of it. (: just 1 tho. nt gna show u e rest. kaka~

outside e chalet

me being bo liao. BBQ PEANUTSS =="

wingss. yummm~
went to bbq at pasir ris today, x.x
MY DAD CHIONG 1 RED LIGHT. x.x hope no summons
felt sorry for darls. its his lunar calender's birthday today ):
& i had to keep going out. =/
uhh. so went to costa sands for bbq. i was boredd.
& i cam-whored in the toilet x.x
yeah =="
in the frigging toilet (;
after that we left (;
went to newton circus for supper. i didnt eat anthing. was uber full...
my dads weirddd. =="
so full still drag me go eat. =="
i slacked e whole day, felt miserable as though i am a rag doll dragged around.
whn i sat in the car, dad's driving at 115km/h max. felt sian so i leant against the car door
i watched the road & wondered what if the door flew open nw.
if i die, who will come to my funeral? lols
okays its getting depressing.