was thinking, th title, shld i put fucking or fckin.
in th end, i decided nt to put the 'u' in, cos some ppl might not like it mah.
feel like screaming also leh, got dc-ed 3x.
2 times courtesy of my brothers, 1 time of my gramma.
i think alot hor.
w.e lar.
gramma tried to feed me papaya in th mornin.
i dun like it lar...
hais. she tried to shove it in my face, no she didn't try, she shoved it =="
feel so. damned tired.
nvm. shan't giv a damn.
the jacket's nt thick enough. zz.
1. Do the following WITHOUT complaint .
2. Choose 5 people to do this after you completed yours .
3. Leave a tag on the person's tagboard to say he/she have been tagged
4. Start your post with; I have been tagged !
Favourite Colour: Hmms. Alot?
Favourite Food: Not sure. As long as it's edible.
Favourite Movie: Hmms. Not sure -.-
Favourite Sport: Streetbandy.
Favourite Day: Everyday's the same.
Favourite Season: Summer.
Favourite Ice-cream: Any ice-cream that contain nuts.
Current Mood: Bored. ==
Current Clothes: T-shirt, shorts, jacket.
Current Desktop: Audi screenshot.
Current Time: 0953
Current Surroundings: Living room.
Current Annoyance: My sneezing, and that runny nose. AGAIN. ==
First Best Friend: IRIS.
First Lie: DUH. Can't remember. Thats ages ago.
First Music: LOL. My dad's hokkien music. x)
Last drink: Cold water.
Last Car Ride: Yesterday.
Last Crush: Short-term memory, forgot. -.-
Last Phone Call: Short-term memory again, forgot.
Last CD played: Don't play CDs anymore. xD
Have you ever dated one of your good friends: No. So not a lesbian.
Have you ever broke the law: Underage drinking, who cares anyways.
Have you ever been arrested: Nope.
Have you ever been on TV: Nah, just in the newspapers.
Have you ever kissed someone you don`t know: Nope.
5 things you are good at: Sleeping, stoning, arguing with my bro ( i win him ^^ ), smacking them when they annoy me & lazing around.
4 things you've done today: Wake up, brushed teeth, washed face, showered.
Things you can hear right now: The damned tv. ==
5 People to tag: anyone? XY, QiQi, Nich, duno, who gt blog arhh.

while clearing out photos, screenshots etc, i found these.
most hilarious being e sch photo.^^
dont ask me why lols.
wah lauuuu.
i gna be sick soon lar i swear.
obviously me running all over th place, slping at irregular intervals has taken its toll on me.
i never thought i'd fall sick so easily sia...
my bro's home early frm camp cos he came dwn with a fever.
hahas. =="
my gramma n aunt just came over, thn she passed me th wedding invite.
its on 28 Dec. Fri.
says that err, cocktail served at 7.00.
dinner at 7.30.
i m bored.
gg off soon, i wna dig a hole n hide. ^^
my life sux big time. any volunteers to make it better? no?
okays fine...
想起了我们平静的分手 我闭上眼
越是没有你 越是心痛
我想起了 遇见你的时候
想起了 我们第一次牵手 我闭上眼
想起 当时你怀里的颤抖
似乎 那么害怕失去我
然而到后来 我什么都没有
i suppose that everything has to come to a happy ending, right?
the btm i lazy highlight. nt that it matters.
edit. i highlighted. ^^ & enlarged e font.
dyed my hair this morning and to be honest, it made no difference.
not that i want any, but i will go for a more obvious colour next year, after my o levels.
you see, i am afraid that they will kick me outta e examination hall because my hair, is so unfortunately coloured in a weird fashion.
was feeling abit tired the whole day, but i am very glad to know that people that i knew, a long long time ago will still look for me if they have any problems.
they shocked me, kinda.
this shows that er, they still know that i exist & i still exist on their contact lists.
i am making myself sound pathetic, no?
i know that i should be making preparations for my o levels. and so i've decided to do a very very weird thing.
that is, i finished 1 topic from the O level Chemistry assesment that the whole of 3/9's gotta buy.
1 topic.
but hey, its a start.
tmr i'll do another, OR I WILL FORBID MYSELF TO GO ONLINE.
i guess, you might have to throw a fish at me to wake me up.
hey i got some things to make clear.
hmms thats one, and uhm...
and uhhhh, that summarises the topic i wanna cover today.
btw, dying hair doesnt make me a paikia, i am ALWAYS A GUAI KIA. AT HEART.
dont judge by looks larh (:
Layer 1 : On the Outside
Name: Mich Quek
Birth Date: 24031992
Current Status: I am taken alrdy.
Eye Color: Black
Hair Color: Black. (Gonna change soon. By end of the week.)
Layer 2: On the Inside
My Heritage: Chinese.
My Fears: Myself.
My Weaknesses: Myself.
My Perfect Pizza: Cheese & Ham.
Layer 3: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
My first thoughts waking up: Damn, I am still alive.
My bedtime:It's never fixed.
My Most Missed Memory: 3 years ago.
Layer 4: My Pick
Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi
McDonald's or Burger King: McDonald's
Single or Group Dates: I am fine.
Adidas or Nike: Adidas
Tea or Nestea: Tea. (Nestea doesn't taste like tea)
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate
Cappucino or Coffee: Cappucino. (Loves the froth)
Layer 5:Do you
Smoke: I will, if i really want to spite somebody. Who knows?
Curse: Whenever I feel like it.
Take a Shower: That's silly, of course I do. Every day.
Have a Crush: Why, since I was in kindergarden. (They call it puppy love.)
Go to school: I have to. It's not a choice.
Want to get married: In game, maybe. Real life? No.
Believe in yourself: That I am not sure.
Think You're a Health Freak: Never, junk food's my life.
Layer 6: In the Past
Drink Alcohol: Please, who doesn't?
Gone to the Mall: Again a silly question, of course I did.
Eaten sushi: Yes, I don't really enjoy sushi.
Dyed Your Hair: Nope. But ask me this question again next week, the answer's going to be yes.
Layer 7: Have you ever
Played a Stripping Game: No. Have you?
Changed Who You Were to Fit In: I have to, from time to time.
Layer 8: Age you're hoping to get married
answer: Never thought of it. When I feel like it?
Layer 9: In a Guy/Girl best
Eye Color: I am fine with anything.
Hair Color: Same as above.
Short or Long Hair: Depends on the guy.
Layer 10:What You Were Doing
A Minute Ago: Msn-ing
An Hour Ago: Still at the Singapore Checkpoint.
Four and a Half Hours ago: In Malaysia, shopping.
A Month Ago: Thinking if I should worry about my O levels.
A Year Ago: Mapling, sneaking online as I am now, to be with the one I like.
Layer 11: Finish the sentences
I love: the ones I love, and treasure.
I feel: tired.
I hate: anything that i don't really enjoy.
I hide: when I am afraid.
Layer 12: Tag 4 People
Anybody, who wants this quiz.
very very sian, but still i hafta go out with grandparents today.
a trip to malaysia.
had a few games in audi & i lost all of em in the morning, cant win whn baobehs arnd.
unless he lets me lar.
no mood, and my fingers wont budge at all.
i dont wonder why.
i cant even be sure if the arrows are up or dwn or left or right.
just go by feelings.
obviously, they werent accurate 3 outta 10 times.
cant chain, cant chance.
terrible. =="
cya guys. tmr.
i m sooo... tired.
love u!
miss me, please. ;D
i gg to ikea for dinner. lols.
i have a weird dad.
ahhas. w.e bahhs.
at least the food i get are of some standard.
i m tired, n i m gg out!
lols. i m bored larh. can only play for half an hr. what the...
so... blog lorh, anyways, no one in particular i'd wna talk to is on msn. plus the show alrdy started.
my bro the rascal. asshole lar. ==''
give me this type of timeslot.
*sneaks a peek at the tv*
aww =/
I WNA WATCH LAR. esp the middle part whn lightning mcqueen gets stuck in radiator springs.
call me a kid.
but i rly like to watch cars. (:
i like most of disney's animations cos they're so funny. ^^
plus i started waiting since ytd. TT
24hrs, long sia.
my dad originally wna go ikea for dinner d lorh.
but i wna play... ... ...
so i told dad nxt time lorh. ^^
i met nu er today ^^ thats unwantedTOY.
lols. she's cute lar.
i wont burden others with my problems. they are mine and mine alone.
everyone already has their own problems. so they wont need my troubles.
maybe its just me, maybe i still cant handle it.
maybe its still not the time, maybe its still not right.
shld i? shldn't i? its just me isnt it?
its not fair. maybe i shld just end it all.
k larh. i watch tv liao... it'll make me feel better. ^^
yays. was back home early frm work today.
at arnd 1.30. like that.
early right?
anyways. hmms. yar, i got home, switched the com on & showered.
played blackjack.
thn er, dunno what the card game called. chua dai di larh. 2 e biggest tht one. yar.
thn erm....
watched TV... yays. -.-"
TV is boring blah blah blah. heng today i duno y so energectic, if nt e boring TV will lull be aslsp.
nth nice is on larh. thn hmms...
thn read newspapers...
& thn its my turn. cos my brothers OWES ME TIME.
ahhas (:
so happy.
nw we owe here owe there. eventually all e same lar. -.-
so anyways. darls wiping his dad's car. -.- he's taking soooo... long. TT
lols. maybe different bah.
for me & my bro + my dad. a car takes....
arnd 1hr+?
dunno. to wash. dry. polish. =/
everytime whn its time to polish i'll be like -.-" &*#@#&(@#&(!@
cursing liao. my dad has HIGH EXPECTATIONS.
wahlau -.- clean car nia....
must polish til my arms break, lols.
i only take the car windows. but i have to do it properly larhhh....
cos very obvious if i slack. cos e windows transparent. the polish is white...
my bro can slack a lil lar. cos white car & white polish.
lols. but i take great joy in looking out for areas they missed. (:
oops side-tracked, nw whr were we.
hmms yeps. i m bored. (:
hahas. =/
bored cannot smiley face liao... shld be ):
kks, mai crap luhh.
What Mich Means |
![]() I is for Intense C is for Chic H is for Heavenly |
printer spoiled. boohoo.
waste my effort sia, last time i still go n buy the printer ink...
lalalala. -.-"
nvm larr.. the scanner still works. (:
damnit ;D
my bro bought the 20k PPC. omg its so kawaii cannn....
its like CUTE!
i like yeti n pepe. esp pepe~
its so damned cute. ahhas.
i m actually gg crazy bout some char frm mapleee...
i swear lar -.- i dun wna play maple.
n still gt ppl owe me like 7 million.
laffffssss. -.-"
dunno laff or tuh cry...
nvm larrr. i take it as... donate to charity, & err. fee for help me train n level. yarr. -.-"
like that lorhh. i mean what else can i do.. (:
ok lar, i go audi emo liao. oo.
my bro bought b'fast for me...
okays. (: eat thn go. ;D
cya. loveeesss x3~
they got their psle scores alrdy.
highest score in sg is 294?
make me feel uber stupid sia. =="
anyways. ashley gt 243. clever sia.
some guy in audi was sianed cos he gt like 190.
ok liao larh.
he can go darls sch. & mei can go bpgh.
lols. thn everybody will be happy. whatevr larh.
I M SO STUPID. wah lau.
==" i shld go jump off a building shall i?
heck care, nxt time i nt gna get office jobs.
unless i bo bian lar.
i slp til headache liao.
my bro damn cute can. after i let him play he went to play drift city lar. (thus lagging my computer like fcuk now.)
thn whn he was playing he saw the v9 cars.
i was half snoozing & listening to mp3 in the bedrm larh, thn he ran excitedly into the rm & pulled my leg. (to wake me up ==" but i wna slp lar. nth to do mah)
bro: jie! i saw a V9 CAR.
me: ....
bro: JIE WANT TO SEE ANOT. -pulls leg-
me: ... zz take screenshot larrr. =="
bro: orh ok!
he woke me i was like *#@(#!@# liao. & thats all for a car.
that i m not remotely interested in.
zz but anyways, soon after ashley sms-ed me (:
and told me her PSLE score.
grats to her for being able to go BPGH.
last time i aim there cannot get in =="
psps. LOLS.
but then hor, if i got into that sch, i wont game de lorh.
dont ask me why, i gt this VERY STRONG feeling. (:
no lar, cos most of my classmates who go there hardly has anytime to play. TT
so yarr. HEADACHE.!
Why am i always
its a wonder why ppl want me arnd them at all. x.x
what will happen if i dont go online for a day?
i havent tried that in a longgg while.
i'd rly like to do so. but i think i hear darls sharpening his blades & getting his bbgun rdy.
is he rly? (:
dont torture the poor terrier x.x
hais. hope that the dog can get well soon. (;
get well soon mui mui. lols (:
so doggyyy, if by any chance u are using Mr. Pig's laptop secretly at night, please tag me uhh.
i think most likely lar, by the time i cant use the computer i'd go back to my room and
i need to prepare for my DnT o levels. alot of sketches will be needed.
i cant wait for nxt yr to be over, its a torture.
its the 2nd national exams n its getting on my nerves. no matter how bo chup i seem to be.
maybe, maybe not.
sometime i really hope that i can really not care about these things.
i dont wna grow up.
i want it to stay like this forever, can it?
thats only my wishful thinking.
i m here yet again (:
because darls asked me to blog...
i swear~
i gna have 200 posts by th end of this yr.
lols evil laughter. ;D
gg audi nw to see if darls ther. (HE's NOT)
x.x i snuck on9 again. hehes.
nw babys studyin his chem, dun kajia0 him larh.
if nt very sian lehs. i fail chem & i dun wan to make other ppl fail cos i want their company.
it doesnt work that way (: at least for me.
so anyways, i chged my hp's cover... n its friggin hard. =="
so i took a pic of hw it looks like without any cover on at all (:
i dont knw what to do nw.
i rly dont.
i cant login to audi cos e fcking patch started. & off all the times msn can throw me probs, it has to be nw.
i nvr thot i'd die w/o msn.
but i guess i do.
nw i'm practically cut off frm e rest of the world.
i can still email.
but i think emails are fcking stupid.
i mean, if u wna chat u dont use emails.
unless u email projects & impt stuff. i wna talk, nt drop off projects.
so... emails are useless.
i dont knw why i m behaving in such an atrocious, horrible manner.
but i m deleting msn live nw.
i mean since i've gt nothing to do, it wont hurt to re-dwnload some stuff right.
i m using the older version but i guess it might not work. its practically frm the ice age!
and oh one thing. though i can sign in now, there a major problem.
i cant nudge.
and i dont dl the auto-nudge script for nothing.
anyways, babys set himself as busy, & his auto-msg says he's in audi.
i so wna call him x.x
but its gna cost alot larh =="
like my mcard's only got like, $6 left...
haiss. x.x why shld it cost so much more whn the place u call's also on earth. ahhas.
lols, i shall quit lamin & crappin. & go to stone summore.
i m very pissed off cos since msn has probs, i cant chat with darls IN PEACE WITHOUT DC-ING EVERY SENTENCE I TYPE OUT.
tmd lar sii msn *(#&&(@*!.
duno whats e prob just nw, nw its running fineee.
but oh well...
baby's calling me later. x33~
might call him at night bahs. surpriseee for darls. lols.
darls doggy is injuredd. got stuck at th elevator... TT
sad lorhs. darls has a cute doggy that i'd dognap (:
败给你 说话的眼睛
败给你 微笑的魔力
不知不觉 想每天跟你在一起
败给你 少一根神经
爱上你 这是我的命
我们世界 原来就等这默契
ahhas, excerpt frm 罗志祥& 萧亚轩's 败给你 (:
back frm work & no, i didnt cut any rays today darls. x.x
cos my dad say i cant larh. later i cut liao he duno hw to continue. (meaning i cut like shit)
nvr mind lorhhsss. I PLAY WITH HIS FISHES. rawr. (: was rly funnn.
surprised to see darls not on9, and even more surprised to see that darls updated. =D
i called him last night using the extra m card i had, since i cant sms e whole lot, might as well spam it, so we chatted like arnd 1hr bahs.
before gg to slp. (:
hmms, we got chat bout cars larhs.
then we suddenly chg topic to dogggsss. (:
BECAUSE OF ME. =D ahhas. x.x"
gna rain soon. lahlahsss. =/
anyways since darls nt online i might as well go out. think he went for the grand prix (isit? i forgt. its in macau. omgg x.x I WNA GO~! )
aiyarr. i go m'sia bahhs. then let my bros have a hey day destroying e hse. & lagging e com with drift city.
P.S. darls i blogged too (:
作曲:周杰伦 作词:周杰伦
看不见你的笑 我怎么睡得着
你要离开 我知道很简单
你说依赖 是我们的阻碍
就算放开 那能不能别没收我的爱
看不见你的笑 要我怎么睡得着
todays a very very tiring day. x.x
had lots of things to do. like cutting e stingrays.
x.x i solo-ed 1 box (: hahas.
my dad asked me if i can fillet the rays so i try larh.
nvr succeeded before... so u can guess e results.
dad was like =="
then he asked me not to play with em anymore. LOLS.
i dont care him & did a few more. looked like sht. ><"
at least nw i do a decent basic cutting if the rays into 2 pcs. (:
went hm covered in blood. wahahas.
not exactly but still... stink larh.
went online then aloy asked me to audi. fine lorh.
went with him while waiting for my darls.
in e end nich joined in (:
& whn i left, i told aloy teckwai's ign so that they can play together.
darls off9 on msn... wondered what happened to him.
he told me he'll be there after sweeping the floor. he got something else to do bahs. x.x
i m dead beat nw, & my hands feeling like a piece of lead. x.x"
ytd i went out for curry (: the asam pedas is damn nice. =D
i rmb telling darls its at marine parade, & he asked me wtf is marine parade. LOLS..
x.x gtg (:
i m siann-ed..
i cant upload my scan cos blogger doesnt allow me to do so.
maybe nxt time... x.x
promise. if i forget, just remind me lorh.
nth much d larh. =/
i m here cos darls asked me to update.
& yeah. i got nth to say larh.
or maybe i have. DONT TELL U. (:
i think my hair is finally nearly as long as my dad d liao.
my dad's hair grow faster than mine lehh wthhhh....
summore longer than mine. =/
but he keep til very style lorh lols. (:
my hair looks long whn tied up ):
put dwn jiu...
not as long luh.
dunno why recently very dwn.
emotions hit rock bottom lurh.
havent felt that in years.
whatever. (:
it'll pass
kao kau cow.
this morning woke up feeling buey song (:
drink milo. blahhs. =/
wake up too early luh~
anyways had fun chatting to my BAOBEI ASHLEY MEI (:
& very poor thing...
she dont dare meet up with leo & me. cos she dont dare. =="
ashley arhh, i wont eat u d larh.
if leo dares to eat u we'll throw him in the sea or something.
nw i crap so much for whattt.
go back emo summore.
IF i made any of u worry, i m sry (:
if if if if.. but still feeling fucked up. =/ paisehs & tahan for awhile. IT"LL PASS.
just a note.
maybe. (:
just maybe (:
one day all of this will be over bahs.
thn there'll be no1 to worry bout (: no more forced smiles.
i understand luh.
i nw understand why (:
why some ppl choose to give up.
the qns frm years & years ago.
are solved. that easily. in a single day, today.
what makes sense and what doesnt.
all the things i do. are senseless. selfish.
i m ignorant of everything arnd me,
and i dont care.
perhaps i do, maybe i dont.
i dont even knw myself. so dont say that u knw me (:
nvr ever say that u knw wht i am thinking, its a great insult to my intelligence.
nt that i have any...
but still i have my pride no? (:
u rlyy helped me get back some confidence that i lost stupidly (:
at least i have sth on (:
ANYWAYS. good newss i found my dogtagggg (:
wheetttts LOVEEE~
x33 that tag.
i found it in the mess of my booksssss. =D
duno why isit ther.
aww. but WHO CARES (:
btw babyyyyssss. my links are in alrdy. aint tt quickk? (: CHEERRSS (:
i chged a new blogskin cos my old one has probs.
wtfff. =="
w/e la...
links are nt here.
lazy to add, maybe tmr.
但是,我无法给你我的全部, 那是真的。
my computers lagging like fuck whenever i play drift city.
i am damn pissed nw larh. i dont give a damn.
so i m not gna watch my language,
this blog is not for children. so yeah =="
but i'll do it with style & a smile (:
i feel sick again larhs. x.x
and i dunno why. ffs i rly wna knw WHY.
okays. x.x ytd was a rly sucky day. =/ cant spend e afternoon with darls.
my bro larhhhhsss. =/
then darls angry cos of e renovation above his hse ==" very noisy bahs. =/
anyways, i cant go on9 at night cos my dad kept the modem.
sry darls, & ashley. ):
sry to dissapoint.
anyways, i gtg sch later. =/
feeling totally like shit now.
i just posted for e sake of having 160 posts lollsss (:
anyways. darls in drift city nw getting spare parts.
=/ i m a noob lorh only complete 1 race outta 5.
i cant do e HUV chasee. =/
too noob obviously.
lols. whatever bahss.
i m still slightly better than my bro at drifting. heck i can control it (:
at least much better when i started out. not banging cars all over the place.
especially leo x.x
my dad went to danga bay then jusco.
lols. jusco is sian bahs.
looked at blah blah blah, clothes & such... but only took a liking to 2 tops. and a pair of shorts. =="
i didnt buy the shorts too short else daddy will COMPLAIN.
so whateverrr. i bought one that was still quite decently lengthed. =D
daddy doesnt knwww. (:
i also got a pair of jeans for my bro.
that irritating guy doesnt want to choose himself and stayed at home instead. so i help him choose one =='
if it doesnt fit, SRY LORHS.
dont like? then he wont be able to get any ideas from me in the future. (:
hahahahs. =="
lame larhs... CRAPPING HERE.
in e car. cos my dads driving slowly.
cos my aunt will get car sick if dad went too fast. =="""
siannnnnnnnn =/
i love my car monkey. very nice to hug (:
hmms. today a rly funny thing happened (:
dad forget to pull up e clutch of the lorry when he parked it lols.
so after walking 3m? he ran back after realising that.
meanwhile, i was laughing. its not the first time lurh =="
he thought he was driving the car. LOLS
darls went out bahs, since he nt on9 & ashley told me so.
i m boredd.
nw ashley left too.~~
i think i gna stone today.
since i am very siannnn. =/
Energy- 某年某月某天
干干净净的天 风景在后退
你的脸轻靠着我的肩 安心的睡了
如果什么都会变 爱能不能例外
虽然我不能解释但时间终于会证明一切 babe
爱到某年某月某 一天
虽然我不能解释但时间终于会证明一切 babe
短短的旅程长长的一辈子 从此你的每一天
直到我微笑的闭上眼 闪过心里最后的画面 babay
i woke up with time to spare and since the computer is already up & running, credits to my bros.
i think i'd post sth short. (:
=D i so so so so so so so hoping that i can drive (no thanks to darls (: hehehs.) recently.
i've been wanting to for a long long time but darls makes me wanna drive even more. i dunno why. lols
w/e (:
anyways, the minimum age is 18 =="
thats arnddd.
2 yrs and 2 mths+ frm nw. x.x
wow so long ):
anyways i'd be cool to take my dads car to go for a spin at the new KPE.
i'd break the speed of 140km (: so that i can win the fastest saloon car that sped there.
it went 140. but if i get caught i'd be killed x.x
nvm (: i knw where lurh....
heh heh heh...
M'SIAAA~ hohos.
the 2nd link there. i remembered daddy speeding like siao. =D
rly rly cool lorhs. he went 140+ (:
wonder can the car rly take it lols.
i knw how to help my dad pump gas lurhs. hehehs.
lame larhs me. x.x
i prefer shell's vpower racing to esso's synergyf1. (dunno y that day he use synergy ==")
=/ i must be mad larhs. =="
seven early eight early talk this type of CRAP. (:
but rly. u can feel e difference.
i gtg work luhhh. crap whn i have time bahhhss. hohos.
--xTata~ x3------
went to bbq at pasir ris today, x.x
felt sorry for darls. its his lunar calender's birthday today ):
& i had to keep going out. =/
uhh. so went to costa sands for bbq. i was boredd.
& i cam-whored in the toilet x.x
yeah =="
in the frigging toilet (;
after that we left (;
went to newton circus for supper. i didnt eat anthing. was uber full...
my dads weirddd. =="
so full still drag me go eat. =="
i slacked e whole day, felt miserable as though i am a rag doll dragged around.
i watched the road & wondered what if the door flew open nw.
if i die, who will come to my funeral? lols
oh yarr. i almost forgot.
that day i was bored & i went offline. i went to have a nap. =="
but sian whats, so i also listened to my walkman.
then i fell alslp.
when i woke up i almost strangled myself. lolololol =="
stupid right?
because when i tossed & turned, the line gt tangled up.
it tangled around my neck =="
har har. must be careful e nxt time i do it, and so shld u too (:
dont be as blur bahhs. =DDD
dl-ing drift city nw. ITS AUTO GEARS x33~
less power then the manual but (: w/e
its slow T.T
daddy didnt keep e modem~!
even though i sobered up arnd 11.
and typed rly loud on e keyboard.
==" tmd larhs.
w/e. had e deepest sleep, but still tired. & feeling a little drained.
oh god.
still remembered i need to wake darls up at 7. he'll be out to 9+?
& what else. hmms. yeah frm my cbox & my darls i can see ashley is rly e spamming channel~!
aww yeah. i remembered lurhs.
i did talk alot about cars with darls.
i did blur diao in the middle of the conversation & i smacked my head. =D
do a test...
Emotion Test
Here is the analysis:
Your emotional controlled rate:
33% You know how to let your emotions show but you still find it difficult to do so as often as you should. You should be prepared to let your emotions out more often. When you feel sad let yourself cry, when you feel angry, let your anger show and when you feel happy allow a smile to cross your face.
Allowing your emotions out in this way will do wonders to your physical and mental health.
o.o some what true. i dont like to cry especially. it makes me feel... weird. and i am kinda scared that no one will care for me if i cry, and it'll show people that... ... i dont know.
i dont like to cry.
see if this quiz works for u http://www.quizbox.com/personality/test16.aspx
aww =/
its only 6.49am now, but i so wna wake darls up?
nvr mind. i'll give him 10 more mins to sleep bahs. i recalled that he was quite tired. that baka.
i'll take summore tests. (:
it'll be fun today.
last one~~
Journey to the Real You
Here is the analysis:
You have 3 true friends.
You will have 2 true loves before getting married.
It is your work ethic that you rest for just a minute.
Here is the description of your ideal mate: "humourous, cute ?"
You give 50% in a relationship.
lolsss. i'll never get over him (x
i feel sick.
i had a nap then woke up feeling better.
my nap wasnt very deep but had lots of weird things in it.
like the conversations i had today,
especially the one with leo.
i cant really say i rested well.
leos's probably out doing his passport.
my stomach's having the feeling that its been kicked before.
leo updated. i originally thought he might not.
cos when i asked him too he was like no i don't want.
he's online! (:
means i gna chat with him =D bb~
i woke up at 3.30 this morning though i swear that last night i slpt very late.
even though i said gd bye to my darls. i cant slp after that.
so in total...
slpt around 4hrs.
i cant slp. my stomach feels awkward.
think gna be sick soon. at this rate i'm going, i'll be sure to fall sick.
went to take a few quizzes =/
bored. i wna wake darls up.
but he'd probo had a late night.
nw its only 5.17am
so maybe not bahhs.
so what if i wake him ><>
Gareth Gates - Angel on my Shoulder. (:
My life was flashing before my eyes
A second later, I walked and realized
My heart had crashed and burned in shame
You pulled me from the flames
I took your hand and you helped me upon my feet
I confessed but you had forgiven me
There's courage in the truth you said
Our love will never end
You shield me from danger, you're my shelter
You are my hiding place
There's and Angel on my shoulder, here tonight
Making sure that I'm alright
When I'm falling fast, you rescue me, you love unconditionally
And when I'm cold and so alone
Back in your arms I feel at home
I pray that you will always be,
A guardian Angel
Sent for me
My dream comes between us every now and then
I make mistakes, get in trouble, time and again
I ain't proud of who I amWhen I'm down you understand
Blinded you can always seem to show the way
You're the light
You're the reason I'm here today
If you cry, I cry, So dry your eyes
There's an Angle on my shoulder, here tonight
Making sure that I'm alright
When I'm falling fast, you rescue me, you love unconditionally
And when I'm cold and so alone
Back in your arms I feel at home
I pray that you will always be,
A Guardian Angel
Sent for me
aw. i m beginning to feel slpy nw lorhs. ytd we chatted alot, but i was careful not to wake my dad up.
the ffing keyboard is LOUD.
whn i was on9 hing chatted with me for awhile.
i am still as "bad" as i was in the past, err 1yr ago? to him.
but what can u say...
he called me an ah lian and asked if i chup gang.
i m not an ah lian larh. thats my mom (: i m ah ting!
he said he chup e 999 gang. lmao its police durh.
chup his bloody head larh, say i gl some more.
thats why i have a tendency to be vulgar arnd him.
nt my prob.
besides, in maple alot of people use vulgatities derhs.
especially whn people die. so yeah.
now i m with darls, and i swear i'll be good. =D
then he must be good too. ;D
now i knw a lot more bout darls bah. (:
gt chup gang before, but dont smoke...
darls tt baka. heng nw he nvr.
then we discussed bout AEROSPACE COURSES.
he can go in avionics bah, i going electronics.
he's rly rly swt. it makes me wna trust all over again.
another song i'm listening nw.
Landy's - 傻瓜
作軟弱 撒嬌害羞
傻瓜 我們都一樣
傻瓜 我們都一樣受了傷卻不投降
weird narh. rdm these type of songs (: lols
gg wake dar lurh.
its 5.44 ):
n i thought i wasted a hell lot of time T.T
give him 5 nudges.
if he thinks he's dreaming, well.
i'll wait for FiR's album to drop on his head =X
or the dog to lick him awake.
i'll pia audi,
to clubber (:
darls went out to get his passport done, that means that i cant play with him.
aww, i will just have to hope somebody will be online lorhs =/
he's very funny lorh (:
he cant put on quickly the army boots he bought a couple of days ago ==" lols.
funny guy =D
went to rdm abit in friendster, found this link.
does my name looks nice like this?

think it looks cute =D hohos (:
Today’s a very sian day, because my bro went to sch and came hm sick.
Meaning we cant go out.
Then I cant use the computer because my dad says when we use the com we always quarrel.
But hey, its not my fault. =/
I mean if I give my bro extra time and I have a lil extra time for myself it balances out won’t it?
But that idiot of my bro doesn’t knw whats give and take.
Damn that maths fail guy.
Worse then me. ==“
I was immensely bored…& I kinda missed my audi darlings ):
Like, darls - leo, angel - his mei. Baobeh, devils, there are 2 of em. (: My dear fishy.
Etc etc…
Missed the whole lot of em.
Darls got the same blogskin as me.
Its weird mah?
He’s using the same pink n black one.
Hahahs =xI’ll chg to one that he also can use. (:
Shld I? hmms. =D
My bro got his report book back.
Not exactly great results.
All band2 (he’s pri4)
Hey but at least that’s better then my 1A, 2B, 2C, and 2Es right?
For god’s sake don’t ask me bout my weird results.
I audi-ed too much, that’s all. X.x
That doesn’t include the mornings I audi before sch luhh. X)
Recently my auditioning timings increased.
Hahas. Cos it’s the hols and all the amazing new people I’ve met.
I always believe that the next one will be better than the last, =D therefore explaining my auditioning time.
It has been better for sometime, well, at least I wont get weirdos.
It really freaks me out. X.x
I did meet a lot of these freaks whn I was rm hopping, that’s why I don’t advise my friends nw, to rm hop.
So I’d welcome all those who wna ply with me in a rm. that’s why baobeh & devil turns up constantly. Love the 2 guys, they’re so cute!
But not as cute as darls tho’ (:I so do want to trust darls. And I believe he can be trusted.Cos I thought for a long long time, and still kept my guard up even after my decision.
I’m loosening up darls (: that’s the reason why I was so uptight before
.The last couple in audi rly freaked me out lar. As in rly. I don’t knw y I liked him nw. I mean he’s worlds apart frm darls.
I’ve learnt to be more careful lurh. So as not to make stupid mistakes.
Hey anyone who spots me making a stupid mistake, tell me.
Before it hurts like the last one.
& if there’s anyone I’d trust, it has to be nich. She’s the best, I mean the last painful experience will not happen if I’d heeded her advice.
X.xI have plans to dye my hair brown / brownish red. Any more ideas will be welcome (:
What's on your mind?
Here is the analysis:
You'll drop everything to be with the partner of your dreams, and you'll give their sentimental presents rather than expensive ones. Nevertheless, your spontaneous nature does have a limit, and when the romance is over, you'll head back to work to pick up the pieces.
i m boredd. ._.
bored bored bored.
on hindsight, a size 10 for arial is maybe too big.
-offs to edit again-
darls darls... (:
if you have read my blog.
please (: tag n update urs (:
changed font size to 10~
changed font to arial instead of smallfonts.
lol i like arial.
as in i have a fetish for arial...
my blog looks outta proportion. hmms.
no matter la...
still waiting fot that piggy. (-(00)-)
off to nudge summore. (:
if not, i m off to audi =D
tried to wake dearies up at 7.30.
think he was still aslp even tho i cheated and used the auto nudging thing.
the script doesnt work as well as it used to.
or is it just me.
he wasn't online in audi either,
i was hoping he would, i am BORED.
kao, i stop here larhs.
i go edit e new skin...
the word are just so ffing tiny,
i dont want to spoil people's eyesight.
i think small fonts are a huge turn off without paragraphing & when i m reading their blogs.
take cares love x33 (:
i am very pissed at the net connection.
damned pissed.
i wonder why dont i throw e frigging modem outta e window & throw an atomic bomb at the service provider.
i m thinking of chging to starhub. (:
i mean they've got killer speeds for games.
perfect for gaming.
but thats what my dad worry about. (:
I’ve realized that a lot of people, whether in virtual or real life loves. Usually when they break up right? They will still keep their photos, in the case of games, screenshots. Including those play play types one lar, they will still keep the photos/ ss-es as a memento. For one, I know that nich does that lar.
But if it was me, then I will be different, as in, I will want to eliminate all memories of the person, and the relationship. Lols.
I am not saying that I am experienced in that area, but I believe that most relationships starting from games etc do not last long, so when I begin now, I know that it will have to end.
And when it end. And when I’ve got the time, I will most likely, open my screenshots folder, and look at the pictures. After that, I will delete all of them one by one, or I will just haul the whole chunk up and delete it at one shot.
So far, I’ve not regretted my decisions. =D
I mean, why still remember or long for that person when he or she doesn’t want to remember you at all?
To hell with the shit that says real love is when you want that person to be happy and willingly give him/her up to search for greener pastures?
Damn them la, and the person who said that.
Is the person worth to be loved in the first place at all?
I mean when you look back, you will probably think, bull shit. =D
I regret almost half the decisions I make, and I am going to have a new start.
I hope it wont be dissapointing, but its for fun
What's your personality love style?
Here is the analysis:
Love at first sight is your style. You are not fussy about who you fall for, and often there seems to be no rational reason for you deciding to love someone, it just happens and you'll follow your heart. When you do fall for someone, you fall completely. Your love is somewhat child-like, or what people like to call "puppy love". While following your heart is important, you should also remember to use your head occasionally.
What type of personality do you have?
Here is the analysis:
Kind and Gentle
Your kindness is your charm - you are also gentle and sweet. Everybody likes to be around people with your personality. Like a psychologist, people like to talk to you to discuss their problems because you are proper and discrete, as well as confident. You look mature and people respect you. People with this kind of character are few and far between.
The Real You
Here is the analysis:
You've got great self-confidence and you're full of charm. Most guys who get to know you will be attracted to you. You are far from sweet and proper; your intriguing personality fascinates them. Most guys find it easy to fall for a girl like you.
You don't really care about other people's feelings. You do things the way you want and usually think only about yourself. You are easy-going and love to have fun, but you can be irresponsible as well. You are not keen on serious discussions because they can make you remember that life isn't always about parties.
You are a bright, cheerful and bubbly person. You are thoughtful and considerate, and like to have fun. Everybody feels comfortable around you because of your pleasant nature. When you walk into a room, people's eyes are likely to be drawn to you because of your charm.
Your peers think of you as a fun person, but sometimes you can be a little irresponsible. You can be somewhat childish, and can try to ignore the fact that you will one day need to really grow up and be a mature adult! Perhaps you could start reading good books; they might help you look at the world in a different light. You do want to be taken seriously, right?
Your boyfriend believes that you are a strong and independent person. Your confidence and cheerfulness make you an attractive person to be around, but sometimes you need to pay more attention to what other people, including your boyfriend, are thinking.
Your view on yourself:
You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You are a true romantic. When you are in love, you will do anything and everything to keep your love true.
Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.
The seriousness of your love:
You like to flirt and behave seductively. The opposite sex finds this very attractive, and that's why you'll always have admirers hanging off your arms. But how serious are you about choosing someone to be in a relationship with?
Your views on education:
Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.
The right job for you:You have many goals and want to achieve as much as you can. The jobs you enjoy are those that let you burn off your considerable excess energy.
How do you view success:
You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous.
What are you most afraid of:
You are afraid of having no one to rely on in times of trouble. You don't ever want to be unable to take care of yourself. Independence is important to you.
Who is your true self:
You are full of energy and confidence. You are unpredictable, with moods changing as quickly as an ocean. You might occasionally be calm and still, but never for long.