erm, my daddy brought me to Danga Bay today and i got mango ice-cream!!
lols lame shit lur, i know.
crapping now nia!
then i saw colin (think: an ad years ago on tv had this "Colin the Chihuahua" D=) with jia ning there. lols....
then we went to erm,
lemme think.
blah blah i forot ler.
we went to Tesco, after that, we went to Today.
lame shit places. =X
lols forgive me.
new-born kitten i saw in m'sia de hawker centre.
dont know who wrote this at the 3rd floor railings. LOLS
what nicholette drew in class
square melons i saw at ntuc finest! inedible de la... $68 each!sry this post weird la huh.
i very very very mad de lor.
today i got alot of things i am angry about, but i know that no matter how angry i seem to be in this post now, my next post will be normal ler.
because this is simply an outlet for me to get all my bad feelings out of me.
ya, so, hope you'll forgive me, especially xingyi, 'cause i know she hates vulgarities de.
i went to malaysia to de-stress abit, because in the morning i pia-ed finish all my homework lar.
then on the way back, got a fucking stupid merz come and bang my dad's car himself.
i saw him in his car scolding "nb, cb" or something.
ehhs fugly retarded old man la.
think you drive merz big ar?
that road yours ar?
knnb ehh cut queue in the jam also got its rules one lehhs.
noob driver, how he get the fking driving licence de? he is being a threat to himself and society can??
ok that is the end of my grumblings ler.
i post another one (;
lol i bo liao went to stomp and read this regarding girl using vulgarities.
interesting =D
lalala~ guilty as charged.
i just can't let myself get the better of me. -.-"
but still....
i lack in self-discipline.
but hey, we only live once, why not live like there's tomorrow?
who knows when we are going to kick the bucket?
so what if people are living longer?
how about those who die in accidents?
if they keep working non-stop, will they have a chance to reap what they sowed?
one thing i learned from being alive for 15 years is that life is unpredictable, and to cherish the people around you.
because the last time you meet them might really be the last,
and "see you again" might not really happen.
being alive is a blessing.
this sentence is really a challenge to interpret.
because of the different people has different views , backgrounds, beliefs etc.
what i say will never let people feel, yes, this is the one interpretion that i feel is true to me.
>.< sry ar. the music in my background too loud, corrpupted my thoughts ler.
psps, i shall end here today.
月牙湾- FIR
in my humble opinion =DD
i think that this song has that old ancient china music feel, gives me a quaint feeling and the song's lyrics are nicely woven.
the part that i really like is highlighted in red, just in case you don't know, never notice etc etc =X
with reference to what aliv said the last time, the song "gloomy sunday" was really true as i found several sources dating back.
its is said to be a hungarian song. it is also known, as the "hungarian suicide song" as it has sparked off several suicides.
i found a few websites which i think is quite trust-worthy and i shall quote them here.
whether or not will you choose to believe is up to you.
the websites are:
- [for lyrics and, background info]
- [for background info]
the original version is said to be banned, and the english lyrics are supposedly to not do any justice to the original song. the version sung by other artistes are reportedly not as sad as the original version.
the version which i listened to was by Billie Holiday.
the lyrics.
Sunday is gloomy,
My hours are slumberless
Dearest the shadows
I live with are numberless
Little white flowers
Will never awaken you
Not where the black coaches
Sorrow has taken you
Angels have no thoughts
Of ever returning you
Wouldnt they be angry
If I thought of joining you?
Gloomy sunday
Gloomy is sunday,
With shadows I spend it all
My heart and i
Have decided to end it all
Soon therell be candles
And prayers that are said I know
But let them not weep
Let them know that Im glad to go
Death is no dream
For in death Im caressin you
With the last breath of my soul
Ill be blessin you
Gloomy sunday
Dreaming, I was only dreaming
I wake and I find you asleep
In the deep of my heart here
Darling I hope
That my dream never haunted you
My heart is tellin you
How much I wanted you
Gloomy sunday
the version by a singer named Portishead has more effect on me because of the melody. the version by Billie Holiday is more of vocal and i don't dig vocals alot.
i am still searching for the hungarian version, the true one, and to listen to the melody. because i don't understand hungarian.
honestly, my mood isn't affected much...
and the song is playing in the background now. =D
lols its abit ironic la.
look for the version by portishead.
its not bad.
Rezsô Seress所填之詞
Ôsz van és peregnek a sárgult levelek
Meghalt a földön az emberi szeretet
Bánatos könnyekkel zokog az öszi szél
Szívem már új tavaszt nem vár és nem remél
Hiába sírok és hiába szenvedek
Szívtelen rosszak és kapzsik az emberek...
Meghalt a szeretet!
Vége a világnak, vége a reménynek
Városok pusztulnak, srapnelek zenélnek
Emberek vérétôl piros a tarka rét
Halottak fekszenek az úton szerteszét
Még egyszer elmondom csendben az imámat:
Uram, az emberek gyarlók és hibáznak...
Vége a világnak!
It is autumn and the leaves are falling
All love has died on earth
The wind is weeping with sorrowful tears
My heart will never hope for a new spring again
My tears and my sorrows are all in vain
People are heartless, greedy and wicked...Love has died!
The world has come to its end, hope has ceased to have a meaning
Cities are being wiped out
Meadows are coloured red with human blood
There are dead people on the streets everywhere
I will say another quiet prayer:
People are sinners, Lord, they make mistakes...The world has ended!
where i found the lyrics,
i think it should be the direct translation.
hahas, enjoy~
the funny but cute hershey's kisses xy gave me =D
looks like its got wings like a snitch or something.
cheated me of my feelings, inside got no almonds, but its supposed to have!
had mos chicken!!
doesnt the mos chicken give off a "holy" look?
its because of the lightning la.
i went there to eat and ended up stressing my eyes out because of the unusually bright lightning which i was sitting under.
lol today in school is note-worthy, so i have to say somethings la.
today in school right, xy keep saying i have Bipolar Disorder.
i looked up the definition of the disorder, and here it is.
Manic-depression distorts moods and thoughts, incites dreadful behaviors, destroys the basis of rational thought, and too often erodes the desire and will to live. It is an illness that is biological in its origins, yet one that feels psychological in the experience of it; an illness that is unique in conferring advantage and pleasure, yet one that brings in its wake almost unendurable suffering and, not infrequently, suicide.
er, do i do that? -.-"
the website is:
i took the info from there la.
i know she's just joking but still, i am curious la.
What Are the Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder?
Bipolar disorder causes dramatic mood swings—from overly “high” and/or irritable to sad and hopeless, and then back again, often with periods of normal mood in between. Severe changes in energy and behavior go along with these changes in mood. The periods of highs and lows are called episodes of mania and depression.
Signs and symptoms of mania (or a manic episode) include:
Increased energy, activity, and restlessness
Excessively “high,” overly good, euphoric mood
Extreme irritability
Racing thoughts and talking very fast, jumping from one idea to another
Distractibility, can’t concentrate well
Little sleep needed
Unrealistic beliefs in one’s abilities and powers
Poor judgment
Spending sprees
A lasting period of behavior that is different from usual
Increased sexual drive
Abuse of drugs, particularly cocaine, alcohol, and sleeping medications
Provocative, intrusive, or aggressive behavior
Denial that anything is wrong
A manic episode is diagnosed if elevated mood occurs with three or more of the other symptoms most of the day, nearly every day, for 1 week or longer. If the mood is irritable, four additional symptoms must be present.
Signs and symptoms of depression (or a depressive episode) include:
Lasting sad, anxious, or empty mood
Feelings of hopelessness or pessimism
Feelings of guilt, worthlessness, or helplessness
Loss of interest or pleasure in activities once enjoyed, including sex
Decreased energy, a feeling of fatigue or of being “slowed down”
Difficulty concentrating, remembering, making decisions
Restlessness or irritability
Sleeping too much, or can’t sleep
Change in appetite and/or unintended weight loss or gain
Chronic pain or other persistent bodily symptoms that are not caused by physical illness or injury
Thoughts of death or suicide, or suicide attempts
A depressive episode is diagnosed if five or more of these symptoms last most of the day, nearly every day, for a period of 2 weeks or longer.
LOLOLOLS. the more i read the more ridiculous it seemed to me la... ((:
imagine me having the symptoms...
bahhs madness la.
somemore i want to be a councellor or something.
but i cant stand childish behaviours from people, so....
but i MUST emphasize the point that i am fairly tolerant.
unless your horoscope clashes with mine, you are fine.
some types of people that i particuarly dislike are (i know i shouldn't do it. but still...):
- male chauvinists.
- brainless idiots
- people who have a darn lot of useless pride and senseless ego
- people who try too hard
the rest i still can tolerate la...
but if i am not feeling too good that day, i will be very very bad-tempered.
as in you piss me off you die.
lol. aint that FUN?
i really snap at people de... sorry lahh....
hafta siam ((:
sian lurh, nothing to write.
train of thoughts jammed....
me, ping n mindy was walking to cwp, when we saw this guy frm our sch, same lv blah blah blah smoking as he walked to school. evidently, without even the need to use a single brain cell, you sure will know he skipped school that day.
that set me thinking.
why are they wasting their time away?
if we can seperate students, to the good students (tri-sci / hardworking people, doesnt create trouble and misbehaves) and the bad (sch-ponners, smokers, slackers, etc etc, you know la), then alot of people in my class are stuck in the middle.
sure, i do know that some of the students in my class smoke, skip classes and stuff, but the school do take it seriously and punish them accordingly. but they have to realise that, if they put in much more effort, like really understanding them, there is still some hope in making them turn back.
if i am to classify myself, i will put myself in the middle. for example, i don't really ostracise people unless they are behaving in a ridiculous manner, or really pissing me off.
by that i mean SERIOUSLY RIDICULOUS. like a tri-sci student CRYING IN CLASS BECAUSE SHE DIDN'T GET AN 'A'. this makes me feel really ridiculous la.
nb... this type of people also have...
i can mix really well with a few of the not so stuck-up tri-sci peeps well, and i don't mind the more 'naughty' students.
oops, side-tracked. ps.
reason why i put myself in the middle is because i don't really pass up my homework on time (i do try...) i TRY to do my homework, and the last thing you are going to catch me doing is skipping school.
but i am not exactly a hard-working student, and not exactly a slacker.
so that sets me in the middle.
why do i think like this when my brother doesn't mix with the baddies is because, i fell from the ladder before.
the ladder that people climb to get to the top.
i fell off it, and i went near to the bottom.
i know how's it like, to be the bottom.
i met nice people at the "bottom". its not that they are bad, its just that they are just slower in maturity of their thinking. they do not think studies is important, and it makes no sense to study. i did feel like that before, at the start of the year. when i am allocated to 3/9.
i fell down the ladder, the same as years ago. in primary school, in primary 3.
that was still alright, my mother was still there for me, gently nudging me back up the ladder.
then, i fell again, alone, in sec2.
i lost the morale to fight, to study, to carry on.
i feel that every single lesson i took was meaningless.
it makes no sense to study science, because i am not going to be a scientist or have jobs related to it in the future!
so why do i study the subject for? the purpose being?
to pass time?
my dad explained a whole lot of stuff to me, trying to get me back up.
afterall, being educated is important.
in this type of elitist society, so practical and real that it hurts, having a degree is a basic necessity.
i somewhat understood.
but remained the same with my attitude of studying hard.
can't really be bothered.
having the right friends really help,
i mean look at the people like xy, aliv, yp they all...
they really helped me...
they constantly reminded me not to slack, not to game too much, though i still do fall in the traps i created for myself, they will pull me back up to reality.
they reminded me reguarly to pull up my socks, and to work hard.
i am grateful to them, really.
now i think i understand what my father means...
its not really nice...
my end-of-years are approaching but i still have that very bo-chup attitude towards it.
it spells trouble right?
anyways, it only starts this friday....
yeah, this friday...
aiya, nvm la... lols.
english nia.
anyways, me, xy, aliv was crapping during pe.
xy gt mc,
aliv forgt her pe shorts.
and me.
i forgot my pe tee. =D
then while we were crapping, aliv played audi songs. hehehehs...
the rest played frisbee in the field.
in the middle of our crapping, aliv started to talk about this song which causes people to be very sad and then commit suicide.
i think the song is called bloody monday or something.
it was banned la.
and she is trying to look for the song.
i tried on multiply but to no avail.
people actually heard that song in the 1930s and they commited suicide because the song is supposed to make them super-depressed.
however, they banned the song.
thats why i cannot find it.
sad la. i really want to know how does it sound.
maybe it'll even strike a chord in me.
well, after that we began to talk about what type of dog that aliv should get.
she's small-sized, so imagine her with a BIG DOG.
like a siberian husky or something.
or a rottweiler. aiyo -.-"
anyways,i realised that tr wont care if you "accidentally" display handphones in class.
ps ar, just being lame nia.
You Should Drive a Ford Shelby Mustang Cobra |
![]() |
duno the engine good anot...
erm i am, very very pissed off.
reason being:
i look silly in audi, and i cant CHANGE MY NICK. its fking iritating. yes, i used the word fking. reason being that the OTHER GUY, haven chg nick, and so happens if we are in the same ch, we will have similar names, right on top of each other. sad la, -.-" this happened once, and i swear it wont happen again. and on an afterthought, i am not EVER going to change my name to pair up with another person. its sad la.
and the damned patch was just yesterday. i refuse to elaborate.
^@#&)@*^#@*#*@^&#!@^#&!@# !^@&#* @#^72!
kns audition very lousy lehhs.
when i want to play then usually alot problems de lar.
the patch was SUPPOSED TO END ON 2.30.
NOW IS 3.15PM and i cant run the program file.
aloysious also cannot -.-"
he nudged me in msn and asked me just now.
feel like cursing abit lar.
not abit actually.
you get the point =D
just got back after re-starting the computer, i still cant patch.
my irritating brothers make me feel like i want to give the both of them a good whack on their heads.
oh well, later we are going to get our new sofa.
L-shaped sofa, hahas.
i am very sorry la, cos so far my posts have been so boring or shoddy work.
i have some "philosophical" ones that i write on scraps on paper and throwing them away...
sad right.
today, is very boring.
xy nvr come to sch lar, she missed 2 days of school ler.
she sick again lor. very good.
as you can see, i no mood blog. cos all short-forms.
incorrect phrasing, etc etc, no full sentences.
i still miss my hair narh. (yeah, my hair)
cant wait for it to grow back.
i think my hair trying its best.
what a weird way to describe it.
today the weather very extreme la.
in the morning cold like siao den rain.
afternoon jiu hot like siao.
go library also cold.
wth nar.
anyways, alex says he's gg back to rs tmr.
lols, i hope he gt chg lar,
last time he very nerd-look and very guai kia. good kid de person.
ehhs he very clever de lor.
go ny jc... -.-"
blearghs, so clever de person i dont talk to him ler.
You Are a Beagle Puppy |
![]() Cheerful, energetic, and happy go lucky. And you're sense of smell is absolutely amazing! |
Your Driving Is is: 64% Male, 36% Female |
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Your Mind is 44% Cluttered |
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my poor un-cluttered brain
Your Five Variable Love Profile |
![]() Your propensity for monogamy is low.You see love as a gift that you should give to many.It's hard for you to imagine being with one person at at time...Let alone one person for the rest of your life! Experience Level: Your experience level is medium.You probably have had a couple significant loves.And you may have even had your heart broken.But you haven't really dated a wide variety of people. Dominance: Your dominance is low.This doesn't mean you're a doormat, just balanced.You know a relationship is not about getting your way.And you love to give your sweetie a lot of freedom. Cynicism: Your cynicism is medium.You'd like to believe in true and everlasting love...But you've definitely been burned enough to know better.You're still an optimist, but you also are a realist. Independence: Your independence is medium.In relationships, you need both "me time" and "we time."You usually find it easy to be part of a couple.But occasionally you start to feel a little smothered. |
You Are Low Maintenance |
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The Keys to Your Heart |
![]() You are attracted to those who are unbridled, untrammeled, and free. In love, you feel the most alive when things are straight-forward, and you're told that you're loved. You'd like to your lover to think you are optimistic and happy. You would be forced to break up with someone who was emotional, moody, and difficult to please. Your ideal relationship is open. Both of you can talk about everything... no secrets. Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment. You think of marriage something you've always wanted... though you haven't really thought about it. In this moment, you think of love as something you don't need. You just feel like flirting around and playing right now. |
You Are Somewhat Mature |
![]() You definitely act like an adult sometimes, but a big part of you is still a kid at heart. While your immature side is definitely fun, you're going to have to grow up sooner or later. |
HEY! I AM MATURE~... ok.. its somewhat. (; but it can do!
You Are Rock |
![]() You tend to feel smothered by paper people. You don't mind crushing the spirit of a scissors person. When you fight, you: Use all of your strength If someone makes you mad: You're likely to throw something at them |
You Are a Purple Crayon |
![]() Your color wheel opposite is yellow. While yellow people may be wise, they lack the manners and class needed to impress you. |
There's Not a Violent Bone in Your Body |
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You Are Homer Simpson |
![]() You will be remembered for: your little "isms" and philosophies on life Your life philosophy: "Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It's what separates us from the animals ... except the weasel." |
Your Love is Based on Commitment |
![]() Why your love can last: You don't take commitment lightly - or leave relationships easily Why your love can fail: You're so committed, you often can't see the most obvious problems in your relationship |
You Are 54% Borderline |
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You Are the Ace of Clubs |
![]() A total adventure seeker, you are never satisfied by what's normal or ordinary.You like to push limits and shock people. You're dramatic, but a drama queen. Your life has been a wild ride so far. You have stories that people can barely believe.And you're probably still young... with a lot of wild rides in front of you. A gamble you should take: High stakes roulette Your friends would describe you as: Crazy Your enemies would describe you as: Demented If you lived in Vegas, you would be: A high roller |